The official currency is Polish Zloty. This guide covers the best ways to exchange your money. And, looks at if you can use euros too.
Compare our historical exchange rates: Polish Zloty to Euro Traditional cross-border remittance services often have lowexchange ratesand charge high transfer fees. PLN EUR 0.0000EURBetter exchange rate than banks 0.00€Send 0 PLN,receive more
1.2 1.0 8.9 6.9 1 Ranking based on BRIC countries, CEE, the EU-15 (excluding Luxembourg), and the United States 2 Local currency unit 3 Compound annual growth rate SOURCE: International Monetary Fund Over the last 25 years Polish economy double...
In Stock* *(As of 21:12 Pacific 8 Nov 2024More Info) Click Here Description: Rick Steves Central Europe: The Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia & More Manufacturer: Rick Steves ISBN: 164171557X EAN: 9781641715577 Details: Paperback ...
Bandingkan tarif historis kami: Euro hingga Zloty Polandia Layanan pengiriman uang lintas batas tradisional seringkali memiliki nilai tukar yang rendah dan membebankan biaya yang tinggi. EUR PLN 0.0000PLNNilai tukar FX lebih baik daripada bank ...
Change Converter source currency Chinese Yuan RMB Dolar AS Dolar Australia Dolar Hong Kong Dolar Kanada Dolar New Zealand Dolar Singapura Euro Forint Hungary Franc Swiss Koruna Republik Czech Krona Sweden Krone Denmark Krone Norway Leu Romania Lev Bulgaria Lira Turki New Sheqel Israel Pound Sterling Br...
Population, 55+ Years in million #20.9820.9821.1421.4021.6622.0022.4022.8223.2823.7424.2824.8425.4626.1026.7427.2627.6627.9428.0828.1828.1828.1428.3828.7028.7828.9029.0629.2229.4229.7230.0230.3430.6430.9231.2031.5031.8032.1032.4632.8033.12 Notes: Based on IMF, World Bank, UN and Eurostat ...
where there were a few Finns returning home. With no border checks (these took2 hours in 1999), we continued on A10/E67, a busy truck route with fuel and motels at regular intervals. Lithuanian currency is the Lita, currently 4.1 to the Pound Sterling, and we noticed petrol was exactly...
Euro Forint Hongaria Franc Swiss Koruna Republik Ceko Krona Denmark Krona Norwegia Krona Swedia Leu Rumania Lev Bulgaria Lira Turki Pound Sterling Britania Raya Real Brasil Ringgit Malaysia Rupee India Rupiah Indonesia Shekel Baru Israel Yen Jepang Yuan Tiongkok (RMB) Apakah Anda membayar bank Anda ...
Population:Currency:GDPin2010:GDPgrowth:312700km2–6thplaceintheEU 38.1mn.–6thplaceintheEUPolskiZłoty(1EUR~4.19PLN)1415blnPLN(ca.354blnEUR~3.99EUR/PLN)1.6%(2009),3.9%(2010),4.3%(2011)Membership:EU,NATO,OECD,WTO,SchengenZone GDPchangesin2010(Polandin2011)FI 2009 Polandwastheonly...