波尔布特之墓Pol Pot's Grave 红色高棉前领导人波尔布特的墓地位于距离安隆汶14公里的山里,距离泰国边境比较近,现在已经开发为景点。注意在途中不要离开道路,附件有很多未引爆的地雷。附近还有红色高棉相关的许多遗迹。
Are we to drive ourselves into the grave trying to be all that society tells us to be or are we to empower each other by supporting each other and helping each to awaken to their true potential ? I say we Let it go and be vulnerable and share with our sisters and heal. I think He...
Mentions efforts of Cambodian officials to turn Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot's grave into a tourist attraction. Problems of impassable roads in the rainy season and land mines; Indication that there is a market for ...