返回归海念一刀Pokerogue 地图宠物查询 二院护林员 2024-05-25 17:54 Pokerogue 地图宠物查询网页链接 点赞0评论1评论1 二院护林员 这种中文连接https://wiki.pokerogue.net/zh:biomes:biomes 第1 楼2024-05-25回复0点赞0打开App
树果类 属性强化道具 (强化对应属性招式20%的威力) 其他携带道具 (精灵球代表商店中会刷新该道具的物品等级) 不知道为什么官方wiki没有这个 复活之种 效果是死亡半血复活 重要道具(A~G) (H~T) 其他道具 官方wiki地址:wiki.pokerogue.net (制作不易,有错误请评论区指出)...
强化道具类 (一定回合内提升属性) 努力药类 (携带后永久提升属性) 精灵球类 PP提升类 薄荷类 (薄荷请查看英文特性表格 ,薄荷可以转换当前宝可梦性格,并且永久解锁基础宝可梦该性格选项) 官网wiki:https://wiki.pokerogue.net/ 分享至 投诉或建议 评论7 ...
可以随意导入新的版本,从zarchiver读档能基本稳定不崩 继承之前存档 每次安装覆盖完会继承之前存档 更新说明 中文wiki 链接:https://wiki.pokerogue.net/zh:changelog:current 打赏链接 Releases13 pokerogue apk official 12/25Latest Dec 25, 2024 + 12 releases Packages No packages published...
中文wiki 链接:https://wiki.pokerogue.net/zh:changelog:current打赏链接群友反馈About 把宝可梦肉鸽打包成可以安装的apk Resources Readme Activity Stars 81 stars Watchers 4 watching Forks 6 forks Report repository Releases 13 pokerogue apk official 12/25 Latest Dec 25, 2024 + 12 releases ...
You can find the wiki here Use PRModLoaderExternalEditor for making mods, look in its readme to see how to publish a mod to the mod browser. 🛠️ Mod Loader Development If you have the motivation and experience with Typescript/Javascript (or are willing to learn) please feel free to...
window.location.href = 'https://wiki.pokerogue.net/'; }); buttonsContainer.appendChild(homeButton); document.body.appendChild(buttonsContainer); `); }); } function createTypeChartWindow() { typeChartWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 1200, height: 800, icon: 'icons/PR', webPreferences: ...
wikiWindow.hide(); // Hide the window instead of closing it } else { wikiWindow = null; } mainWindow.focus(); }); } // Create the Pokedex window @@ -548,13 +637,6 @@ async function createPokedexWindow() { pokedexWindow.loadURL('https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/all'); pokedex...
An app to play Pokerogue.net in an app window. Wow! An app to play Pokerogue.net in an app window. Wow! Ctrl+W pulls up the game's wiki page, and Ctrl+T pulls up a local version of https://www.pkmn.help (if installed). Offline mode can be ran by using the included bat/sh...
Ctrl+W: PokeRogue wiki Ctrl+D: Ydarissep's PokeDex (aka the RogueDex, huge credits to them for it existing!) Ctrl+S: Smogon (to get a quick reference on what movesets might be good for a Pokemon, although of course take it with a grain of salt; PokeRogue is a different beast...