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Player databases give you access to other online poker players, venues, festivals, events, results, and hands. Beginner and intermediate players can use popular options likeHendon MoborSharkScopeto gain insight and feedback from other players. ...
This tracking software will import hand histories from your Omaha or Omaha High/Low games and report back stats on yourself and your opponents. Track your play and also have a real-time heads-up display at the tables to give you the maximum edge over the competition. PokerTracker Omaha Full...
See our ad on the site for ACR’s sign up bonus to get in on all the action. Sites on the WPN are: Americas Card Room Black Chip Poker True Poker BetCris Poker BetDSI Poker BookMaker Poker SharkScope is delighted to announce that, after extensive negotiations, we are now able to partn...
SharkScope SharkScope is a tool that online poker players use to research the opponents at their table. It also helps players select the best table for their playing style. SharkScope is compatible with all operating systems too. Free Poker Odds Calculator ...
sharkscope approved fish…lol…and they were playing just like their icon suggests…fishy…fishy…fishy…won 3 out of 5…should have been 4..but two outs are g00t…oh well… While playing I started to rail the Bodonkey ToC…the thing that really sucks is that the railbirds can’t chat...
About the same. Truthfully, there have always been top players, and they've always done well, but in HUSNGs, and a few other games, they are doing far better today than ever before. Look at the sharkscope leaderboards for HUSNGs in the last 8 or 9 years, it's amazing how ...
The "Player Stats Tabulated View" brings up stats sorted by buy-in level and gives a bevy of standard statistics like VPIP, PFR, BB/100, and more. There is no way to customize the report at this time. The HUD is overlaid on your poker table, but requires you to move it around in...
The "Play Poker" tab is used for setting up the automated downloading of hands for real-time access to your stats and HUD while playing. You can also manually upload hands from files located on your computer or view live reports as hands are imported. This is useful for in-session review...