Blank Blind Blind Defense Blind Steal Blocker Blow up Bluff Bluff Call Bluff Catcher Bluff catching range Bluff Induce Board Boat Bonus Bonus Code Bonus Whore Bonus Whoring Bot Bottom Pair Bottom Two Break even Brick Brick and Mortar Bring-in ...
On my powerful Windows 10 desktop, the Ignition Poker software still launches and loads a blank lobby at times. The only way to resolve it is to close and reopen the software. In addition, I have experienced occasional freezing at Ignition Poker both in the middle of hands and in between ...
I have been playing poker and writing home brew tools for a while, and recently started writing some for friends, mostly educational and analytical. I soon found there was need for a control that would allow me to display information about specific hands, in the standard 13x13 card chart. ...
For the pusher chart, if you divide all the numbers by 2, you can see which hands you should be pushing with from the Button. By the same thought, if you divide all of the original numbers on the chart by 4, you’ll find a solid pushing range from the CO. Do note, though, that...
R) Stats Color Range & Font Editor –This section allows you to create a color range for each of your stats you’ve selected for your HUD. Click on the stat on the left-hand side window to edit it. Then enter a stat range for each of the sections (up to 5 sections), to create...
Frank: I would attribute most of it to Advanced Poker Training. I feel a lot more comfortable with aggression. I’m starting to open my range near money bubbles and breaks or when I’m in position. I know when to get away from bigger hands. ...