你会发现它们每天都在再生。 * 根本没有健身房领袖和精英四强。相反,您将与店主争夺徽章,而 Trevenant 将成为冠军。 * 从第四代到第六代的一些新口袋妖怪。 * 烹饪和手工艺也是这个游戏的一个有趣的部分。 * 新物品和动作。 * 做功时能量会减少。通过吃饭或睡觉来补充。 * 口袋妖怪游戏中首次出现的爱情系统...
来源:交流企鹅群877873938 特色: 七代精灵 永久Mega 13种属性伊布 807只宝可梦 世界锦标赛 #GBA宝可梦 #口袋妖怪白金光 #GBA口袋妖怪 #口袋妖怪金手指 #GBA模拟器 #小肉鸡 #GBA宝可梦攻略 #火红 #终红 #最终红 #红宝石 #绿宝石 #红宝石 #GBA宝可梦下载 #GBA宝可梦改版 #口袋妖怪改版 #究极绿宝石5 #传说绿...
EpisodePokémonSourceEntry XY034 Mawile Ash's Pokédex Mawile, the Deceiver Pokémon. Mawile's horns form a huge set of jaws strong enough to chew up an iron beam. Pokémon Generations Mawile in Pokémon Generations In The Cavern, a wild Mawile was fleeing from a storm that a Primal Kyogre...
. Pokédex entries EpisodePokémonSourceEntry XY004 Fennekin Serena's Pokédex Fennekin, the Fox Pokémon. Fennekin expels hot air that can reach nearly 400 degrees. It likes to snack on twigs. XY005 Fennekin Ash's Pokédex Fennekin, the Fox Pokémon. Fennekin expels hot air that can ...
Cybat: It's so hilarious; just about every single other Mega design introduced in XY was absurdly over the top and then they got to Kangaskhan and were just like "…eh, take the baby out". This is a great example of how to take an all-but-useless Pokemon and make it relevant. We...
(剧透慎入)镇楼图防剧透 原文讨论链接:http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/2mxqnd/oras_spoilers_so At the end of Delta episode, the plan to get rid of the meteorite was to send it to the original RSE universe. However, Zinnia explains that because there was no Kalos war in that ...
In last Thursday’s episode, Ash bowed out in the top 8 again. That’s right, he actually managed to get worse this time around in his fifth attempt to become a Pokemon Master. How does this happen? Well, the writers decided to saddle Ash with a new trick — he only uses Pokemon ...
这个箭头操作真的很难受啊,有没有大佬帮帮忙啊 分享1赞 口袋改版资源吧 大咸鱼王 Pokémon Floral Tempus - Episode (pc)作者Juno and Ice FEATURES The Rialtra Region: Explore an all new region! Complete Original Story: An all new story tailored towards a more mature audience B/W Repel System ...
Name:Pokemon Omega OriginsVer.: v3 Plataforma:GBA Autor: Lautaro Sánchez Rom Base: Fire RedRealease:2019 Status: CompleteLanguage:English Características:-Gráficos estilo NDS-Golpes fisico / especial-TMs reusáveis-Tipo fada-Repetidor de Exp XY-Ash Greninja-Pokémon de 1? a 7? Gen-Pokémon ...
由于作者还没更新,肯定又些bug啦,不过听说mega精灵和第六世代的也有,我还没玩过所以大家自己去体验一下吧,等不急的去玩GBA版的白金光已经有XY和mega了。传送门:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4220926123... +1 120221 marbleblastplatinum吧 阿酷Czech marbleblast也走pokemon的路线了?有gold,platinum,advanced。