1.000.000 Exp Points 1Hit Kill/Opponent 1 HP Other Quick egg hatching(thanks toMrNbaYoh) Unlimited opower Infinit repel The untested/unstable/beta cheats Get all Items(x999) Max money Planned features random trainer pokemon maybe all Items cheat(key items are misssing atm) ...
Some of our core features are fully working live PVP battles, NPC trainers, Arenas, Individual values, Training Points, 2,000+ Monsters, 520 game maps, very fluent gameplay, extreme cheat prevention system, market system that supports buy, sell, trade, game integrated chat system, working priva...
{"id":79215283,"name":"Babyf0x","name_u":"Babyf0x","gender":1,"portrait":"b3ba42616279663078b804","has_grade":true,"grade_level":9,"grade_name":"\u504f\u5dee\u503c+","grade_exp":1925,"fans_num":511,"is_concerned":false,"is_private":false,"ou 分享10赞 清澈崖吧 hf_use...
Unlimited EXP (Code Breaker). For these codes, you will need to select Code Breaker in the cheat menu instead of "Game Shark." Enter the master codes first. Then enter the EXP code. You will gain unlimited EXP when you defeat a Pokémon: The Codes are as follows: Master Code: 0000...
00B6 = Exp Share 00B7 = Quick Claw 00B8 = Soothe Bell 00B9 = Mental Herb 00BA = Choice Band 00BB = King’s Rock 00BC = Silver Powder 00BD = Amulet Coin 00BE = Cleanse Tag 00BF = Soul Dew 00C0 = Deep Sea Tooth 00C1 = Deep Sea Scale ...
Try Combining it with the item modifier cheat. Updated cheats Note: A guide on getting your items. If the cheat starts with82005274, go to Poke Mart and purchase the first item in the buy list. Purchased items will automatically turn into the items of your choice. ...
Infinite EXP (Cheat type: Code Breaker) Master code: (Ignore “The cheat may not be applied to this game” alert message) 0000295F000A 101DC9D40007 830050000000 830050020000 Infinite Exp: 74000130027D 7300218C0001 82023D501388 Wild Pokemon Modifier (Cheat type: Code Breaker) Master code 1: 00...
Of course, no game can be perfect and your time is valuable. So, since you’re looking for ways to make this ROM a bit easier, we’ve come up with a list of the absolute best Pokemon Radical Red Cheats around, along with every other cheat that might help you along the way. ...
Mawile Deceiver Pokémon クチート Kucheat #303 Mawile Mega Mawile Images on the Bulbagarden Archives Type Steel Fairy Abilities Hyper Cutter or Intimidate Mawile Sheer Force Hidden Ability Huge Power Mega Mawile Gender ratio 50% male, 50% female Catch rate 45 (11.9%) Breeding Egg Groups...