Auspicious Armor – A peculiar set of armor that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. Auspicious wishes live within it. Leader’s Crest – A shard of what appears to be an old blade of some sort. It is held only by Bisharp that head up a group of Pawniard. Pink Bottle – ...
It is important to finish the mission where you obtain the Mega Evolution from Tarmigan Mansion first because your Pokemon will not Mega Evolve even if you have the Items and Stones. Input the Master Code first then input the specific Item code separately. Then get the items from the first ...
Several existing Pokémon received a shiny new evolution in Scarlet and Violet. From Dunsparce to Bisharp, veteran fans will be itching to evolve all of these Pokémon and see exactly what comes next. One of the more intriguing new evolutions that players want to get their hands on is An...
As of Generation 9, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have the best, base game record for Monotype Runs (a challenge where you train only one Type of Pokémon for your team). 16 of the 18 types have their weaknesses covered with Rock and Dragon just barely missing the mark. Additionally, all b...
WhileBisharp’s evolutionisn’t in the Black and White games, it’s a powerful ‘mon that you ought to know about in Scarlet and Violet. However, a word of warning: it’s not easy to get your hands on Kingambit, but it’s more than worth the effort, building on the already fabulou...
Note:In HGSS, you can get a Slugma Egg from Primo in Violet City center. You’ll need to give him a phrase which is dependent on your Trainer ID which you can receivehere. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, OmegaRuby, AlphaSapphire Ideal Team:Rhydon, Aggron, Lunatone (S, AS)/Solrock (R, E...