(Event Celebi only) Black 2White 2 Poké Transfer Generation VI XY Event Omega RubyAlpha Sapphire Event Generation VII SunMoon Event Ultra SunUltra Moon Event Let's Go PikachuLet's Go Eevee Unobtainable Generation VIII SwordShield Event, Pokémon HOME In side games This Pokémon was unavailable ...
During Pokemon GO Fest 2024, Necrozma, the Prism Pokemon, will make its debut as a new addition to the Pokedex. But that is not all! Also during the same event, it will be possible to perform fusions with the aforementioned Pokemon and Solgaleo or Lunala to obtain Dusk Mane Necrozma or...
I learned a lot and overcame a few challenges. I know for a fact that I would love to keep this pokedex up-to-date whenever possible, so I am open-sourcing this project to anyone. Recent Update Added more pokemons from Ultra Sun and Moon You can now ask questions like Who is the ...
Pretty clear which one just got access and was most recent, eh? 101 from Go. Straight up you can probably collect a large number of the Go Pokedex entirely through wonder boxing. It's a pretty clear dumping ground if you don't want to just release...
Solgaleo & Lunala: If Zekrom, Reshiram, and now Xerneas didn't get their "semi-form" than why should they? WELL, I say there's a chance as Solgaleo Radiant Sun Phase and Lunala Full Moon Phase are the forms they take while traveling through Ultra Space. It's not like Zekrom & Reshir...