There is 18 different types in this PoGo Type Chart, and each type is either strong, weak or neutral to other types. Normal Type Fighting Type Flying Type Poison Type Ground Type Rock Type Bug Type Ghost Type Steel Type Fire Type Water Type Grass Type Electric Type Psychic Type Ice Type ...
In our opinion, the best Pokémon type is Steel, and for good reason. While they are weak to Fighting, Fire, and Ground-types, they resist a whopping ten different types, and are entirely immune to Poison-types. On top of their innate tankiness, Steel-types can be a nightmare to take...
The Contenders Fire Fire types are weak to water (one of the most common if not the most common defensive typed Pokemon), Rock (stealth rock anyone? ), and ground (earthquake is the most used attack in the game! ). These weakness alone are more than enough to make fire types fall fro...
Dark 1× Weak to: Fighting 2× Ground 2× Rock 2× Water 2× Immune to: Ghost 0× Resistant to: Bug ½× Steel ½× Fire ½× Grass ½× Ice ½× Fairy ½× Notes: If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of Ghost-type moves is 1×.LearnsetGeneratio...
Fire-type Pokemon are Weak against Ground, Rock, and Water Type Pokemon. They are Strong against Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, and Fairy Type Pokemon. This table shows which Pokemon Fire-types are strong and weak against. Strong AgainstWeak Against ...
Weak to: Ground 2× Water 4× Immune to: Electric 0× Resistant to: Poison ½× Bug ½× Steel ½× Fire ½× Fairy ½× Notes: If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of Electric-type moves is 1×. If this Pokémon has Solid Rock, the effectiveness of...
What are Normal Type Weak Against in Gyms? After taking all the precious data, you’ll realize different strategies for Normal-type Pokemon in Gyms. In Pokemon Go, you have three activities when you visit one Gym that interact with Pokemon types. ...
Weak Against– Weak against column gives the list of Pokemon that will get only half of the damage. For example, If you are choosing a fire type Pokemon against a water type Pokemon, it will cause 100% damage. Resistant to– Resistant Type shows the list of Pokemon Type that causes minor...
Fire-Type Pokemon are Weak against Ground, Rock and Water Type Pokemon and are Strong against Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice, Fire, and Fairy-type Pokemon. Strong AgainstWeak Against Ho-OhPalkia DialgaKyogre CelebiGroudon MetagrossTyranitar HeatranGarchomp ...
Fire Crew Base: Mela (Fire Team Star) – Level 27 Pokemon: Torkoal (Level 27) – Fire Weak Against:Ground, Rock, Water Reward:TM038 Flame Charge, 6000 LP Lurking Steel Titan: Orthworm (Steel Titan) – Level 28 Pokemon: Orthworm (Level 28) – Steel ...