In the anime Main series Totodile in the anime Major appearances Ash's Totodile In The Totodile Duel, Ash caught a Totodile after battling for ownership over it with Misty. Totodile, who had a very playful personality, remained with him throughout Ash's journey in the Johto region, befor...
Tricks of the Trade May 04, 2000 3x31 The Fire-ing Squad! May 11, 2000 3x32 No Big Woop! May 18, 2000 3x33 Tunnel Vision May 25, 2000 3x34 Hour of the Houndour Jun 01, 2000 3x35 The Totodile Duel Jun 08, 2000 3x36 Hot Matches! Jun 15, 2000 3x37 Love, Totodile...
Pokemon - 152 - JL034 - Hour of the Houndour [DVD][PM-Dragon-x264-AC3][08484096] 22:42 Pokemon - 153 - JL035 - The Totodile Duel [DVD][PM-Dragon-x264-AC3][54F0A699] 22:41 Pokemon - 154 - JL036 - Hot Matches [DVD][PM-Dragon-x264-AC3][A5C3164F] ...
In The Fire-ing Squad!, nine Quagsire competed as a team in the Fire and Rescue Grand Prix.A Quagsire appeared in a flashback in No Big Woop!.A Quagsire appeared in a fantasy in The Totodile Duel.At the end of Love, Totodile Style, Ash's Totodile fell in love with a Quagsire....
The makers of Pokemon Go have announced that the game will finally add loads of new monsters later this week. Over 80 new Pokemon should be up for discovery in the next few days, including Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. The new monsters were discovered in the Johto region in the Poke...
“I wanna be thevery best,” the song says. Unfortunately, for more than 15 years now, Ash Ketchum has been doing everything in his power to prove that’s not true. Maybe that’s unnecessarily harsh. Ash is only a 10-year-old, after all, and he can’t control the awful hand that...
Pokemon - 152 - JL034 - Hour of the Houndour [DVD][PM-Dragon-x264-AC3][08484096] 22:42 Pokemon - 153 - JL035 - The Totodile Duel [DVD][PM-Dragon-x264-AC3][54F0A699] 22:41 Pokemon - 154 - JL036 - Hot Matches [DVD][PM-Dragon-x264-AC3][A5C3164F] ...
In Tricks of the Trade, a Marill was at the Pokémon Swap Meet in Palmpona. In The Fire-ing Squad!, five Marill competed as a team in the Fire and Rescue Grand Prix. A Marill appeared in a fantasy in The Totodile Duel. In Love, Totodile Style, Trixie uses a Marill for her circu...
A Psyduck appeared in a fantasy in The Totodile Duel.In Beauty and the Breeder, a Pokémon Breeder's Psyduck participated in a Pokémon breeding competition.In Dueling Heroes, a Trainer's Psyduck competed in the Whirl Cup.In Gonna Rule The School!, the Pokémon Trainers' School lent a ...