Jonkus, a content creator known for running unconventional GO Battle League teams, placed third at the Utrecht Special Event with the above lineup. He opted not to select the six most-used Pokémon, instead reaching for less conventional picks. Mew’s versatile moves leave opponents guessing wha...
Obstagoon, on the other hand, has enjoyed success even in open Great League formats, appearing on five Regional Champions’ teams during the 2023 circuit. Although Obstagoon has recently fallen off in favor of newer Fighting-type Pokémon, the improvement to Cross Chop could make it a more ...
and it will run until June 1, 2024. This early March update was, in fact,tooearly to make the Pokémon with new move sets available for any official European tournament before the International Championships. With not much but raw data, practice scrimmages, and GO Battle League battle...
Pokemon Go Guides, Tips, Hints, and Cheats. Find everything you need to play the game Pokemon Go for iOS and Android here.
Team GO Rocket Grunts will also appear more frequently at PokéStops and in balloons. But these feisty fiends will be using an all-new roster of Shadow Pokémon, so you’ll need to retool your teams to take on opponents such as Shadow Alolan Grimer, Shadow Phanpy, Shadow Treecko,...
Christopher Schemanske is a contributing writer for He's been playing the Pokémon TCG since 2010, with a streak of Worlds invitations between 2012–2018. Nowadays, he enjoys splitting his Pokémon time between playing and being part of the awesome Professor staff teams at major ...
Medichamhas been one of the top Pokémon in the GO Battle League for as long as Trainers could battle each other, and its usage has only increased as a result of June’s move rebalance. In fact, Medicham appeared on over 80% of Trainers’ teams in Milwaukee. This Fighting- and Psychic...
This Pokemon Go guide has all the tips on how to play and become a master trainer. Here you will learn how to find and catch every pokemon in the game.
Running down the performance of some of these Pokémon in Pittsburgh, Gligar made it to the Grand Finals on the team of runner-up LyleJeffsIII. It had a higher usage rate among the top eight finishers than in the main tournament, being featured on five of the eight teams, including my ...
隊伍(日文︰チーム,英文︰Teams)玩家在升至5级后,点击地图上的道馆可以选择隊伍。 游戏中共分为三个隊伍,分别是: 史帕克领导的靈犀隊(日文︰チーム・インスティンクト,英文︰Team Instinct),隊伍顏色為黄色,標誌為閃電鳥。 布蘭雪领导的叡智隊(日文︰チーム・ミスティック,英文︰Team Mystic),隊伍...