First-time Pokémon TCG Live players can begin by signing up for a Pokémon Trainer Club account. From there, download Pokémon TCG Live. When you log in the first time, the game will guide you through the setup process.Download now. ...
Expand your Pokémon TCG collection with beautiful artwork, and work toward building your next deck with powerful cards.
宝可梦TCG Live下载登录超详细教程#宝可梦 #宝可梦TCG Live #宝可梦游戏 - 奇游电竞加速器于20220224发布在抖音,已经收获了18.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Get ready to challenge other players to battles with powerful decks while building your card collection by scanning code cards, exchanging Crystals earned in-game for booster packs, and participating in daily quests. Pokémon TCG Live is free to play and available via iOS, Android ...
宝可梦TCG Live是一款卡牌收集对战游戏,精美的画风和视觉效果,收集不同种类的宝可梦卡牌,参加各种战斗和比赛,宠物可以通过训练和培养来提升它的属性和技能,精灵自由养成自由提升自己的实力,多样化的精灵等你去征服,感兴趣的小伙伴赶紧来下载吧。 宝可梦TCG Live特色 ...
Each Pokémon TCG set release coincides with a brand-new Battle Pass chock full of rewards in Pokémon TCG Live. Each Battle Pass comes with a 60-card ready-to-play deck and can be upgraded to the Premium Pass to unlock an additional deck. Leveling up the Battle Pass will unlock new car...
名称:Pokemon TCG Live 包名:com.pokemon.pokemontcgl MD5值:c44e00715153eb68767c39f3ae12e05d《Pokemon TCG Live 下载v1.21.0》安卓版暂未公布上架日期,敬请期待。玩家评论 k73玩家2024-05-23 11:10:56 11:10评论 (2) (1) 回复 "麻烦更新一下,谢谢" k73玩家2024-03-20 09:16:28 09:16评论 ...
宝可梦TCGLive官方简介 经典宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏带你进入一个殿堂级的精灵世界,融合了精美的日漫画风和电影级的特效展示,为你呈现出令人惊叹的视觉盛宴。 宝可梦TCGLive手游特色 游戏中有上百种可爱的精灵等待着你去收集和培养。每个精灵都拥有独特的技能和属性,你可以根据自己的喜好和策略,组建出各种不同的冒险阵容。
宝可梦卡牌对战(Pokemon TCG live)仂叻仂 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1.7万 169 6:08 App 【丹弟PTCGP】宝可梦Pocket最细pvp教学!一个视频让你成为对战高手! 1423 -- 49:56 App 【新手编织教程】宝可梦系列9,可可爱爱的火球鼠~ 1210 -- 1:44 App 口袋觉醒:卡牌对战怎么无限刷自己想要...
1、下载并打开宝可梦TCG Live,来到下方界面后需要我们选择语言(目前无中文) 2、选择完成后来到登录界面,没有账号的话,我们点击下方的Create Accout!来注册账号 3、之后跳转至账号注册界面,点击上方Data of Birth选项选择自己的生日日期(最好大于18岁),选择完成后点击Continue选项 ...