This guide shows where to find all 210 Pokemon Locations in Pokemon Isle of Armor DLC Expansion, ordered by Pokedex numbers. The Isle of Armor has its own new Pokedex with new numbering. 110 Pokemon are new and didn’t exist in the main game. 100 Pokemon make a reappearance from the m...
The Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet + Violet is here and with it, a brand new Pokedex for the Kitakami Region which has 200 Pokemon: some are new additions while others were already obtainable in the Paldea Region so here's a list of every single Pokem
The Expansion Pass for Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield will feature two large chunks: The Isle of Armor, and The Crown Tundra. These two separate adventures will include new characters, new regions, and of course lots of new Pokémon– with a new Pokedex for each region! More specifically...
ordered by Pokedex numbers. While most Pokemon have identical spawns across both versions ‘Sword’ and ‘Shield’, there are some that are exclusive to one version or the other. Some Pokemon appear in both games but have slightly different locations. This will all be pointed out on the resp...
Pokemon Sword and Shield Guide List of Pokemon (Pokedex) Pokemon Sword and Shield Version Differences and Exclusives Pokemon HOME Post Game: Things to Do After You Become Champion Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansions (DLC) The Isle of Armor DLC Guide ...
With the expansion DLC, The Isle of Armor, the cast of major characters has grown even more. Here, we’ve listed the most memorable characters from Pokémon Shield and Sword that you’ll meet along your journey. The Most Memorable Pokémon Characters From Sword and Shield The Undefeated ...
Search Pokemon Moves Abilities Items Types Formats Type to start searching. Available search filters: .ability, .a .type, .t .damage, .dmg (damage category for moves) .description, .desc, .d .tagIn other gens: RB GS RS DP BW XY SM SS SV PokemonAbomasnow...
A guide on Digging Pa and Digging Ma in the Isle of Armor DLC of Pokemon Sword and Shield. Included are the NPCs' features, services, and location. Digging Pa and Digging Ma Guide Digging Pa and Digging Ma are a pair of digger NPCs found in the Isle of Armor. Both offer very differe...
Pokemon player’s tragic run-in with Phantump The franchise has never shied away from having dark lore, for instance Lampent’s Pokedex entry states that the Gen V character is said to hang around hospitals waiting for patients to pass on. However, a player’s encounter with a wild ...
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet's The Indigo Disk DLC introduces the Blueberry Pokedex. Here is every Pokemon included on the list.