Steenee Egg Moves List of the3 MovesSteenee can learn from being hatched from an egg. Move Description Acupressure Normal Tier: F Tier Power: 0 Acc: 101 PP: 30 Status Effect: The user applies pressure to stress points, sharply boosting one of its or its allies' stats. ...
Electrode Egg Moves List of the3 MovesElectrode can learn from being hatched from an egg. Move Description Leech Seed Grass Tier: F Tier Power: 0 Acc: 90 PP: 10 Status Effect: A seed is planted on the target. It steals some HP from the target every turn. ...
Goomy Goo Base Stats Goomy Goo Base Stats Abilities and Weaknesses The abilities of this Pokémon are Hydration, Sap Sipper, and Gooey. While the Weaknesses include: Ice, Dragon, and Fairy. Goomy Goo abilities Best Nature The best nature of Goomy goes as: Calm and Modest. Egg Groups and De...
List of the5 MovesBrute Bonnet Amoonguss can learn from being hatched from an egg. Move Description Shadow Sneak Ghost Tier: E Tier Power: 40 Acc: 100 PP: 30 Physical Effect: The user extends its shadow and attacks the target from behind. This move always goes first. ...
Iron Treads Donphan Egg Moves List of the5 MovesIron Treads Donphan can learn from being hatched from an egg. Move Description Shadow Sneak Ghost Tier: E Tier Power: 40 Acc: 100 PP: 30 Physical Effect: The user extends its shadow and attacks the target from behind. This move always goes...
How to hatch eggs faster in Scarlet and Violet. List of Tricks, Tips, Cheats and Exploits for Hatching Eggs in Pokemon SV.