Pokemon Adventures Special Chapteris another qualified Pokemon fan made game with RPG Maker XP that we want to show you today. Red Chapter Vol 2, otherwise being referred to by some users as RGBY or simply as ‘Vol 2’, is a continuation of Red Chapter, with a few changes in the mix....
小智(Red) 人物设定:电玩红、绿、蓝、黄、火红、叶绿版男主角 姓名意思:红色 特殊能力:战斗之人 性别:男 血型:O型 出身地:真新镇 年龄:第一章11岁/第二章13岁/第三章14岁/第五章16岁/第六章16岁 生日:8月8日(狮子座) 拥有的神奇宝贝: 妙蛙(妙蛙种子→妙蛙花→妙蛙花) 皮卡(皮卡丘) 快泳(蚊香蛙→...
这边,长尾怪手在和比雕的较量中落败,而之后小智和皮卡丘也靠着属性压制和战斗经验将略有些疲累的比雕拖下了场。 此时,赛场上两边分别是劳累的皮卡丘和新入场的月精灵。 两只都是小巧速度挂的宝可梦,没有属性压制也没有明显的等级优势,小智在心里衡量了一下果断挥手大声喊。
POKEMON AD..POKEMON ADVENTURE - GREEN CHAPTERHack name: Pokémon Adventure - Green ChapterHack of: Pokémon FireRed
“Lynch doesn’t have a star on the Walk of Fame which is where these often crop up,” Fox said. “I’m very interested in the way L.A. chooses to memorialize and the way the community comes together in a place like Bob’s that has larger connections to the movie and TV industry...
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #202 Wobbuffet: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
Pokemon Chapter Book #09: Journey To Orange IslandTracey West
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #15 Beedrill: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
Pokémon Adventures Red Chapter is an extraordinary ROM hack of the Pokémon FireRed game that has taken the Pokémon community by storm. Developed by a dedicated team of fans, this game offers a unique and captivating experience that closely follows the manga’s storyline while adding numerous ...