Patching a rom hack can be done in two different ways depending on where do you wish to play the game. You can patch a rom hack using a computer or using your phone. For patching on a Computer When patching using a computer, you need a patching tool such asNUPSto patch UPS files or...
We’ve gathered a lot ofworking cheats, and we’ll be sure to tell you any additional instructions for the cheat to work. Always remember to put the cheats as either Game Shark or Code Breaker types. Nevertheless, always save your game before you use any cheats just to be safe. The ch...
HeartGold & SoulSilver, Diamond & Pearl, são tantos que perdemos as contas de quantos pokémons já capturamos. Uma das versões mais interessantes do jogo é Pokémon Fire Red, que reviveu de uma maneira aprimorada a experiência de ...
HeartGoldSoulSilver Event Pal Park Forest Generation V BlackWhite Poké Transfer Relocator (Event Celebi only) Black 2White 2 Poké Transfer Generation VI XY Event Omega RubyAlpha Sapphire Event Generation VII SunMoon Event Ultra SunUltra Moon Event Let's Go PikachuLet's Go Eevee Unobtainable ...
Note that Mew and Deoxys will not obey if caught in the wild. First line: US FireRed 17543C48 E65E0B97 US LeafGreen 594F7021 3B4E81A7 For Example: If you want a Bulbasaur in LeafGreen - US use: 594F7021 3B4E81A7 <-- LeafGreen-US code AD86124F 2823D8DA <-- Bulbasaur code...
Only Decks from Black and White, along with HeartGold and SoulSilver, can be used in this play type. Since HeartGold and SoulSilver cards may create very powerful and unbalanced Decks, if combined with the right cards from the other expansions, this play type was introduced to counter that...
HeartGoldSoulSilver Whirl Islands (requires Tidal Bell* and Silver Wing) (only one) Pal Park Mountain Generation V BlackWhite Poké Transfer Black 2White 2 Transfer from Dream Radar (requires Pokémon SoulSilver) Generation VI XY Trade, Event Omega Ruby Trade, Event Alpha Sapphire Sea Mauville ...
0BC = Silverpowder 0BD = Amulet Coin 0BE = Cleanse Tag 0BF = Soul Dew 0C0 = Deep Sea Tooth 0C1 = Deep Sea Scale 0C2 = Smoke Ball 0C3 = Everstone 0C4 = Focus Band 0C5 = Lucky Egg 0C6 = Scope Lens 0C7 = Metal Coat ...