have a life and a job and a wife and several children who need taking care of just as much or even more then these pokemon. Whoever if i could trade my second youngest son ryan for a rayquaza or even a lotad I most definitely would. Hes even more useless then an HMslave after gen...
Pidgeotto is flybitch, current HM slave is the Quagsire. E4 beaters were Feraligtr/Hypno/Ampharos/Lake of Rage Gyarados. Got to Lance with just those that group, but ran out of items and Dragonite > *, so switched in Entei and Lugia as contingency. Only needed them once apiece. ...
Don’t want to mess up your nuzlocke by walking through a patch of grass too early? Can’t be bothered to keep an HM slave on your team? Why worry about any of that when you can just walk through walls? Walk-through-walls cheat codes are a staple of Pokemon games. Often, they com...