220 #169 Crobat Level 65 Use item Mega Gem #8169 Mega Crobat Zubat's Other Forms #2041 Shiny Zubat HM (Hidden Machine) Moves Zubat Can Learn ID: 212 Fly HM02 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95 Zubat's Level-Up Attacks Hide ID: 1 Absorb Level: 1 Category: Spe...
Unlimited TM/HM (Code Breaker) Replace theYYYYwith the code of the desired TM/HM you want to get. The TM/HM can be bought from Poke Mart as the first item. This is another one of the most useful Pokemon Unbound cheats that you can use. 82003934YYYY TM/HM Codes 0121 = TM001 Focus...
HM (Hidden Machine) Moves Flygon Can Learn ID: 212 Fly HM02 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95 ID: 601 Strength HM04 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 ID: 495 Rock Smash HM06 Category: Physical Base Power: 40 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Flygon'...
That being said, we have collected and successfully tested an array of workingPokemon inflamed red cheatsthat you can use in the game. IMPORTANT:IF THE CHEAT DOESN’T SEEM TO WORK. CLOSE YOUR EMULATOR AND LOAD UP THE GAME AGAIN BECAUSE IT HELPS. Also see:How to Fix Not Working and Glitc...
0154 = HM02 Fly 0155 = HM03 Surf 0156 = HM04 Strength 0157 = HM05 Flash 0158 = HM06 Rock Smash 0159 = HM07 Waterfall 015A = HM08 Dive Unlimited Potions/Revives Master code: 82025840 How to use: Enter the master code and replace the XXXX with the item code. Go to PokeCenter and...
Steve: You’re part of a cult. You’re the eldest of, hm seven siblings. And you always chase the ice cream truck when it comes by. Gengar Mask lets out a scowl, but backs down. Steve: Oh. Hit right at home. This is fun! Let’s do it aga- Gengar rises and Licks Steve...
Need to avoid a trainer? Don’t want to mess up your nuzlocke by walking through a patch of grass too early? Can’t be bothered to keep an HM slave on your team? Why worry about any of that when you can just walk through walls?
Gold, Silver, Crystal, and HeartGold, SoulSilver Ideal Team:Espeon, Exeggutor, Girafarig, Xatu, Jynx, Starmie/Slowbro Optional:Lugia (S, SS), Kadabra, Hypno, Wobbufett, Mr. Mime (HGSS via Safari), Unown First Pokémon:Unown at the Ruins of Alph before the first gym; after Unown you...
HM02 (Fly) – 6625764E 75091013 HM03 (Surf) – F337F6FE C824F891 HM04 (Strength) – B036BEB1 097E5C89 HM05 (Flash) – F2B1C76A F6DB27B6 HM06 (Rock Smash) – 2E914FA6 D9EFE74A HM07 (Waterfall) – 3C22A077 6CB5D966 ...
My favourite Pokemon game has to be without a doubt, Pokemon Soul Silver. The amount of hours and the collection of Pokemon I racked up on the game seems unreal to me. So when Pokemon X came out, I was a little bit skeptical, but interested in how they were going to do it. In my...