第一波口袋对战解说视频,试试水。本次一共4期。喜欢的话,请点个三连+关注。后续还会更新。该视频为第一期,对战由我的一位好友(Ranking最高时世界前五)与原世界第一,同时也是PokemonShowdown Ubers的版主Rasengan777展开的对决。该赛为天梯匹配赛高分局,计算分数,是
To get started, go to the Pokemon Showdown website and create a free account. Once you log in, you can start building your own team of Pokemon and joining battles. Are there any rules or restrictions for battles on Pokemon Showdown? Yes, Pokemon Showdown has a set of rules and restric...
Vs PokemonShowdown Uber版主!【 Rasengan777】 与原世界第一1900选手展开的超级对垒! MH_TheOne 2642 42 【精灵宝可梦对战解说】究极日月第四弹!狭路相逢(心)勇(态)者(好)胜!再战 stall dog!一样的队伍,不一样的操作!与受狗选手的较量第二期!PS Ub MH_TheOne 1670 69 【Gen9PU】1702分天梯第一,鬼...
之前提到过,所谓Random Battle,其实是位于Pokemon Showndown(以下简称PS)的,由一位名为zarel的外国华裔编写的Pokemon开源非盈利的宝可梦在线对战平台中的一个6选6单打对战分级。 与PS中的绝大多数对战分级不同,Random Battle(随机对战)不需要使用TeamBuilder(组队编辑器)进行组队,只需要联网后点击“Battle!(Find a ra...
地址:https://pokemonshowdown-analyze.site/stats?format=gen9ou&lan 主要收录了各分级的宝可梦使用率排名以及配置使用率,数据源取自data.pkmn.cc(其数据取自smogon官方的每月数据统计),相比官方统计的优势是比较方便查看一些,还能对比查看使用率变化趋势。跟官方一样每个月更新一次,想了解环境的可以看一下 另外网站...
* Uber, Limit One Restricted- allow at most one Uber-tiered Pokémon on a team * Restricted Legendary, Limit Two Restricted- allow at most two restricted legendaries on a team Marking something as restricted with*does nothing by itself, you need to combine it with a rule that affects restric...
oh someone critique my team here's a battle of perseverance and no one give me crap about thundurus. http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/ou-41376349 Now judge me! Heres all the data i offer: Egg Maiden (Chansey) @ Eviolite Trait: Natural Cure ...
国服地址:China.psim.us 特此鸣谢:eb,fsk,mewtwo927,sc,wwwwwwzx,圣光,ps汉化大本营全体成员,ids战队,uber研究协会 15950 po吧 EroyalBoy 【PokemonShowdown】APP意见建议收集PS下载地址:http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/update-nov-20th-updated-wit (如果下载不了,可以去国服群的群共享下载) 大家下载...
Which replaces you having to click their username. The other steps are still the same. 4. What do AG, Ubers, OU, BL, UU, BL2, RU, BL3 and NU stand for? If you want to know more about a specific tier you can use the command /tier [tiername]; it will show you informati...
(由于汉化组人高三,没更完全,耐心等待后续吧,急的话自己写) https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/432623-pschina-server-translation 分享回复5 pokemonshowdown吧 北愁hsh0612 「National dex Underused」轻分享一个前十队伍4月uu环境大洗牌,月初掉线频繁+没研究新环境,用旧队伍输了挺多把,后面忙着学习没...