组队界面如图所示,+new team是可以直接导入或者到处队伍 点击import/export或者import from text or URL都可以直接导入或者导出队伍。 +add Pokemon则是可以自己用pm进行组队 我们可以看见在pm左边标准了的是分级代表这个pm能在哪个分级使用,pm后面对应的是属性,努力等等 组队完成后可以选择队伍对应的分级,在匹配时选择...
然后,没有队伍的前提下,你需要建立一个新队伍,也就是点击”New Team“。如果之前已经组好了队保存过,但没有显示出来,就要记住点击“Reload teams files"(重新读取队伍数据)。 比较快捷的一种方式是,直接”Import from text"导入别人已经组好的队伍,这样固然节约时间,但是不利于技术提高。短期内可以这样做,但是不...
- Your ladder ranking and teams will not change - We are restarting to update Pokémon Showdown to a newer version 23. What is an endless battle? An endless battle is, as the name implies, a battle that has no ending. It could go on for 24 hours if the players wanted to. Th...
Teambuilder import folder– A way to import a single folder from the teambuilder. Improvements to Teambuilder folder management Preact rewritepokemon-showdown-client#1156 team1257Simonmentioned this issueJul 27, 2016 HoeenCodermentioned this issueSep 21, 2016 ...
PGL Rental QR Teams auto legal genning. Also copies the Showdown spread to clipboard for convenience. MGDB Downloader. Downloads and updates the latest MGDB file. Requires an internet connection. Adding Priority to event searches. If you would like to have certain events to be scanned first (...
一,Pokemonshowdown ps全称Pokemonshowdown,意思是宝可梦对战平台,和po的Pokemononline一样,都是宝可梦在手机或者电脑端都可以使用的一个对战平台,因为这个平台多数为老外使用所以界面是英文,po在停止更新后,玩po的国人便转去了ps,但由于界面英文很多人看不到,因此我们的程序员朋友不辞辛苦为ps编写了汉化教程,让ps界面...