Pokémon Showdown! Forum dedicated toPokémon Showdown! Random Battles Random Battles Archive TournamentRandom Battles Extension League 2 - Round 1 39 minutes ago 13enji PS! Tournaments TournamentTeamballo IV - Finals 24 minutes ago Gtcha Suggestions...
>pokemon showdown moderator, online but tabbed out watching yt >permalocked user pms me >"I find it funny how there are different rules for different people on this website. Back when I could chat if i said anything like that I got chat restricted etc. Yet yall will let people talk ...
如何寻找sample..您好!如果您想找Pokemon Showdown的样本队伍,可以尝试以下几种方法:1. 在网上搜索"Smogon SVOOU Sample Teams"。在搜索引擎结果中应该能找到相关的链接或资源。您
4.Rate My Team(晒队)板块:(挑高分高排名的使用)Gen9 OU区链接:https://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/sv-ou-teams.748/5.宝可梦对战相关群组内寻找 6楼2024-03-11 04:27 回复 长安夜 吧主 10 常用工具:1.伤害计算器:https://calc.pokemonshowdown.com/index.html2.每月使用率查询:https://www....
新人求帮忙..Your team was rejected for the following reasons:- Fissure is banned by OHKO Clause.- Incineroar has
bakelando / pokemon-showdown Public forked from smogon/pokemon-showdown Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights master Breadcrumbs pokemon-showdown /data/ cg-team-data.tsLatest commit HistoryHistory...
You can also visit thePokémon Showdown forumsfor discussion and help. If you'd like to contribute to programming and don't know where to start, feel free to check outIdeas for New Developers. Pokémon Showdown's server is distributed under the terms of theMIT License. ...
群内也正式进入朱紫时期 关于群昵称: 有NS的:游戏昵称+SW号+游戏版本 没NS的:玩的分级+昵称+PSID 群内活动:黄昏杯 在朱紫开荒赛后,将正式进入实机比赛阶段 派送:闪车 每晚八点派送朱紫宝可梦(不加班) 对战:朱紫排位 周末晚八点播朱紫双打排位 分享161 乀暴风丶雪丿吧 -Scale- PokemonShowdown TeamDump留档...
(由于汉化组人高三,没更完全,耐心等待后续吧,急的话自己写) https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/432623-pschina-server-translation 分享回复5 pokemonshowdown吧 北愁hsh0612 「National dex Underused」轻分享一个前十队伍4月uu环境大洗牌,月初掉线频繁+没研究新环境,用旧队伍输了挺多把,后面忙着学习没...
Premier_team_list 用于将 Pokemon Showdown 团队列表转换为标准 TPCi 团队列表文档的实用程序。 终于,不再有鸡爪笔迹了! 导航到,只需从 Pokemon Showdown Teambuilder(或类似格式的列表)中粘贴您的团队,然后点击“确定”。 其他两个按钮完全符合他们的要求:“打印”将打印当前显示的列表,“清除”将清除所有输入。