- The teambuilder doesn't change based on your select tier, this is planned. - It's not done yet. Click to expand... Love how you made sure we knew "It's not done yet," Zarel. :P Anyways, not sure if anyone else has said this at some point already, but my idea is that ma...
pokemon-showdown search-index.js teambuilder-tables.js text.js typechart.js favicon-128.png favicon-192.png favicon-48.png index.html js battle-animations-moves.js battle-animations-moves.js.map battle-animations.js battle-animations.js.map battle-choices.js battle-...
format: the tournament's custom name or the format being used teambuilderFormat: the format being used; sent if a custom name was set isStarted: whether or not the tournament has started isJoined: whether or not you have joined the tournament generator: the type of bracket being used ...
showdown is down right now :P 5thgenerator Aug 7, 2012 #237 This system is so much more convenient than previous simulators. Thank you so much! RisingPokeStar Guest Aug 8, 2012 #238 How do you register for Pokemon showdown? I'm confused... akela Aug 8, 2012 #239 Rising...
https://github.com/TalkTakesTime/Pokemon-Showdown-Bot Jun 14, 2017 Added link to another chatbot implementation (#3543) Jun 14, 2017 22 23 -Nixola's chat bot (Lua) - https://github.com/Nixola/NixPSbot Jan 6, 2019 Add PSBot to the bot list in PROTOCOL.md (#5069) ...
code. I also "fixed" Ultra Necrozma, since it wasn't mapping the moves to IDs and also needs to change the ability on the set to properly validate (though no one would use it in the builder anyway because the learnset is bugged and only shows Moongeist Beam and Sunsteel Strike :D)...