Gen9 OU区链接:宝可梦对战相关群组内寻找 6楼2024-03-11 04:27 回复 长安夜 吧主 10 常用工具:1.伤害计算器:每月使用率查询:查询技能、道具、队友使用率,在上方...
1,模式队(Sample teams)进入相应分级(如OU房,就是右下角那个Over Used)的房间,在对话框输入 /rfaq ,发送出去,就会跳出该分级的常见问题,往下翻就有历代OU模式队。也有更省事的方法,模式队口令:/rfaq s这会直接在房间里,显示该模式当代模式队。或分级相关资料:/tier 相应分级(如gen9ou,gen6ub,gen9nd等)...
A python bot player for Pokémon Showdown working with a docker database bot docker pokemon database ascii-art pokemon-showdown-bot showdown bot-player Updated Jun 14, 2020 TSQL Vaporjawn / Pokemon-Showdown-Teams Sponsor Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests A compilation of Pokemon Showdow...
Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} FlamePrince-PS / Pokemon-Showdown Public forked from Professor-Oz/Pokemon-Showdown Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings F...
- Your ladder ranking and teams will not change - We are restarting to update Pokémon Showdown to a newer version 23.What is an endless battle? An endless battle is, as the name implies, a battle that has no ending. It could go on for 24 hours if the players wanted to. This...
您好!如果您想找Pokemon Showdown的样本队伍,可以尝试以下几种方法:1. 在网上搜索"Smogon SVOOU Sample Teams"。在搜索引擎结果中应该能找到相关的链接或资源。您可以打开这些网站并查看其中的样本队伍。2. 访问Pokemon Showdown官方论坛或其他相关社区。在这些地方,您可能会发现其他玩家分享他们的样本队伍或者有专门的...
第一步,你需要下载和安装客户端,或者是在网址里输入,这些就不多说了,然后界面如下:接下来,记住,如果你之前没有用过PS平台,一定要先注册一个对战ID。方法就是,单击右上角的“Choose name”(注册名),它会自动出现一个弹窗。你可以输入你喜欢的ID名,建议最好用英文+数字。如果出现要求输...
I have RETURNED for big FUCKING up on the gen 8 ou ladder... LEARN how to FARM in 17 minutes--- timer LOOKS like this because I FUCKED around with chroma key on OBS or something... team USED - sand team BUILT in 3 min by me - I BUILD the sexiest LOOKING teams, I KNOW... ... Now judge me! Heres all the data i offer: Egg Maiden (Chansey) @ Eviolite Trait: Natural Cure EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk Bold Nature - Wish - Protect - Toxic - Seismic Toss
第三步,进入Pokemon Showdown的组队窗口。 首先,第一确定你要玩什么分级,就要组相对应的队伍。关于具体分级的意思,这里就先不解释了,因为挺复杂的。一只精灵所在的分级往往显示了它相应的实力水平。 这里,我们先以OU为例,因为这是玩家人数最普遍的分级。