强调一下:这些东西仅仅局限在ps平台上,实机对战绝对不会有的 11110332 pokemonshowdown吧 北愁hsh0612 「National dex Underused」轻分享一个前十队伍4月uu环境大洗牌,月初掉线频繁+没研究新环境,用旧队伍输了挺多把,后面忙着学习没时间玩,总结是分数掉到了k2。把号又打回了天梯前十1564,轻分享一下队伍。
本吧热帖: 1-【吧友必看】吧规 & 对战常用资源整合 2-【交流群】汇总 3-大佬们出现这种登完,没结算,没分,丢号但队伍在,怎么回事 4-在showdown所有模式中,有四个人在一起打的类型吗? 5-新手入坑,有没有大哥推荐一下gen7的雨天队 6-ps新账号 7-nd2K纪念 8-求助!求助!
gen9ou 1381 59.3% 1573± 89 gen9randombattle 1381 61.9% 1593± 66 gen9randomdoublesbattle 1090 (more games needed) gen9ru 1068 (more games needed) gen9uu 1466 68.4% 1647± 59 Unofficial ladderEloGXEGlicko-1 gen7battlefactory 1055 (more games needed) gen7pickyourteamrandombattle 1147 64.4...
gen9almostanyability 1282 56.1% 1548± 96 gen9doublesou 1226 49.2% 1494± 57 gen9inheritance 1105 (more games needed) gen9lc 1226 (more games needed) gen9mixandmega 1147 51.5% 1511± 90 gen9monotype 1420 66.6% 1631± 55 gen9nationaldex 1376 66.7% 1633± 61 gen9nu 1249 56.9% 1554±...
Modnote: we know showdown ladder is kinda funky but we can't call it at 9m 11s as there's no battle won on screen that shows the account breaking 1300, still an incredible run and good work Reactions: Dj Breloominati♬, Cao Jie, RL and 3 others Tack Bow to your Matriarch Ju...
Moon Crater Guard, Showdown Mod assistance. BlueZangoose / Vimescarrot - Pokemon box expansion, Instatext option, general assistance. Albatross - Many of the new sprites used in the hack (A significant number of post-Gen 1 evolutions, all regional variants, Meltan and Carapthor lines, etc....
An Exeggutor appeared in Curry Showdown! Which is the Most Delicious? as one of the participants of a curry cooking competition. An Exeggutor appeared in Pikachu's Birthday Party. Will has an Exeggutor, which was used against Red in his challenge of the Johto Elite Four in A Challenge...
In Showdown at the Po-ké Corral, a swarm of Beedrill attacked Team Rocket. In Pikachu's Vacation, a Beedrill was at the Pokémon Theme Park. A Trainer's Beedrill appeared in a flashback in A Shipful of Shivers. In Tracey Gets Bugged, a Beedrill was one of the Bug-type Pokémon on...
当然 分享110赞 pokemonshowdown吧 北愁hsh0612 「national dex」简简单单k8 y喷队伍分享队伍码:https://pokepast.es/d7602360d6a49cca 因为是学生所以没太多时间写稿,这里重点说一下本队的mvp:围巾koko,然后简单介绍下队伍 Tapu Koko @ Choice Scarf Ability: Electric Surge Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 4 HP /...
It was a jrpg sequel, before the showcase of new mons was as much of a marketing thing as the games themselves etc. so it makes me wonder why they decided to make this obvious sequel to gen 1 be in a fictional japanese place, when kanto was just a region that existed. Kanto was...