Doubles OU是两位玩家同时在场上拥有两个PM的模式。不论单打游戏中PM的分级如何,除黑名单上的所有PM(如下所示)外,所有PM都可以在Doubles OU中使用。与VGC不同,所有PM的默认级别均为100,而不是50。【游戏限制】无尽对战条款:玩家无法在任何有意引起无尽对战的PM上使用任何以下设定。从而:PM可能不会随身携带道具...
Anything Goes(什么都可以)是一种6v6单打元游戏,在任何Smogon模式中限制最少。允许任何层级的每个PM,并且由于取消了《物种条款》,因此您的团队中最多可以拥有六个相同的PM。《一切都可以》也是National Dex元游戏,这意味着所有从前几代不合法的PM,以及断代的招式,Z-招式,极巨化PM,原始回归PM等等都是合法的。 元游...
国服地址 特此鸣谢:eb,fsk,mewtwo927,sc,wwwwwwzx,圣光,ps汉化大本营全体成员,ids战队,uber研究协会 15950 po吧 EroyalBoy 【PokemonShowdown】APP意见建议收集PS下载地址: (如果下载不了,可以去国服群的群共享下载) 大家下载...
(more games needed) gen9vgc2024regh 1220 45.1% 1463± 37 Unofficial ladderEloGXEGlicko-1 gen8doublesou 1218 (more games needed) gen92v2doubles 1309 77.4% 1734± 47 gen9anythinggoes 1332 56.8% 1553± 73 gen9bssregg 1062 33.3% 1367± 70 gen9doublesubers 1254 58.4% 1565± 63 gen9random...
doubles 1044 (more games needed) gen9nationaldexmonotype 1025 (more games needed) gen9nationaldexubers 1500 (more games needed) gen9nationaldexuu 1092 (more games needed) gen9nu 1000 (more games needed) gen9ou 1657 80.1% 1764± 48 gen9randombattle 1634 78.0% 1741± 55 gen9randomdoubles... Mr. Uncompetitive She had a habit of meeting all of the artists... Jan 7, 2017 #14 Got a Mega Scizor set with no Roost, no Swords Dance, and no Bullet Punch ?_? (also no U-turn but at least I got Bug Bite) At the...
Pokalicious: Wasn't a big fan of it at first, but it has certainly grown on me while I've used it in Showdown. Set up a Nasty Plot and destroy. MegamanX: From demon dog to the devil dog himself. Good god this thing is scary. Cybat: I'm not crazy about some of the extr...
ps 全称pokemon showdown,是一个只保留了对战要素的民间宝可梦线上全球对战平台。 下面快速罗列 6858144 pokemonshowdown吧 弘明君 【科普贴】PShowdown对战分级大家好,这里是古琴/弘明博士,说起对战分级当年入坑的时候没少被坑过,要是组队出问题了,无非就是问问同好,便会告诉你一些简略的分级规则,让你知道配置哪里...
(more games needed) gen71v1 1295 67.5% 1639± 62 gen7anythinggoes 1248 (more games needed) gen7balancedhackmons 1314 75.4% 1716± 82 gen7battlefactory 1410 (more games needed) gen7mixandmega 1044 (more games needed) gen7monotype 1436 (more games needed) gen7pickyourteamrandombattle 1048 ...