Especially if the second part of Kalos has even more new Pokemon, hence why Gen 6's new additions were so small compared to other new gens (though I actually liked that). I know it would never happen (especially since I don't even know how it would happen, since save da...
New Scarlet and Violet Trailer Shows off Legendaries and More Posted on 6/1/2022 by Rial Johnson The Pokémon Company released a new trailer for the upcoming mainline Pokémon games Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Among other things, new Pokémon, features, and a generous view of gameplay was revea...
ThePokemon Scarlet & VioletIndigo Disk DLCgives players the best opportunity to catch legendaries that we’ve seen sinceOmega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. However, fans are wondering ifIndigo Disk Legendaries are shiny-locked. If this is the case, who knows how long we’ll have to wait until...
Pokémon ScarletandVioletare among 2022’sglitchier video game releasesdue to issues with constant pop-in, camera clipping, multiplayer, Koraidon getting stuck in a handstand, and more. Now, players have found a glitch that allows the player character to walk around much faster than intended. If...
Trainers will have a lot to digest in the games, including a new open-world region, three original starters, and new Legendaries. In terms of gameplay, it looks like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will have a lot in common with Pokemon Legends Arceus by continuing Pokemon’s transition into a ...
Nintendo, The Pokemon Company and Game Freak have announced the ninth generation of Pokémon with Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet during the Pokémon Presents [...]
Step out of the Paldea region as you take a school trip to the land of Kitakami This DLC is only for the Pokémon™ Violet game. If you are playing Pokémon™ Scarlet, please pick Pokémon Scarlet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. Even more Pokém
While the new Pokémon game is breaking a handful of the series formulas, there are some things returning, like the new Pokémon Scarlet and Violet gym leaders
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's New Freebie Paves The Way For More 7-Star Bosses A new gift available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet helps make Paldean starters more accessible, and could affect Tera Raid events in the future. Of course, that's to name just a few examples, asfans frequently...
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet features a unique game route, Path of Legends. So find out the order to defeat the Titans to complete this route.