RESOURCE ID: fusion_unfuse_description_kyurem_black -TEXT: This Kyurem will unfuse into Zekrom and Kyurem. TEXT: Black Kyurem will separate into Zekrom and Kyurem. RESOURCE ID: fusion_unfuse_description_kyurem_white -TEXT: This Kyurem will unfuse into Reshiram and Kyurem. TEXT: White Kyurem ...作者:TriScore/Hanavelt类型:对战雷希拉姆/Reshiram_捷克罗姆/Zekrom的战斗曲Battle! Reshiram_Zekrom的交响乐风格乐器演奏Remix相关:Pokemon Black/White_口袋妖怪:黑/白, 视频播放量 86、弹幕量 0、点赞数 16、投硬币枚数 1、
Of the 143979 characters on Anime Characters Database, 20 are from the movie Pokemon: White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram.
Originally discovered in the Unova region and first met by Trainers inPokémon Black VersionandPokémon White Version, Legendary Pokémon Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem will soon be making their Pokémon GO debut in five-star raids! Be sure to have your Remote Raid Passes stocked before Tuesday, Ma...
643 Reshiram 4620 275 211 205 5 644 Zekrom 4620 275 211 205 5 484 Palkia 4565 280 215 189 4 445 Garchomp 4532 261 193 239 4 384 Rayquaza 4387 284 170 213 3 381 Latios 4362 268 212 190 3 149 Dragonite 4338 263 198 209 1 373 Salamence 4289 277 168 216 3 635 Hydreigon 4147 256 ...
pokemon.KYUREM_BLACK_FORMandpokemon.KYUREM_WHITE_FORMalong withpokemon.ZEKROMandpokemon.RESHIRAMwill be in remote raids on thePokebattler Raid Partyapp! Shadow Raidsare here! Get yourpokemon.REGIROCK_SHADOW_FORMandpokemon.MEWTWO_SHADOW_FORMcounters ready!
Armored Zekrom Type effectiveness Under normal battle conditions this Pokémon is: Damaged normally by: Normal1× Fighting1× Poison1× Rock1× Bug1× Ghost1× Psychic1× Dark1× Crystal1× Weak to: Ground2× Ice2× Dragon2× Fairy2× ...
Cobalion raid invites, Terrakion raid invites, Virizion raid invites, Tornadus raid invites, Thundurus raid invites, Reshiram raid invites, Zekrom raid invites, Landorus raid invites, Genesect raid invites, Mega Garchomp raid invites, Raid finder, Remote
It is important to finish the mission where you obtain the Mega Evolution from Tarmigan Mansion first because your Pokemon will not Mega Evolve even if you have the Items and Stones. Input the Master Code first then input the specific Item code separately. Then get the items from the first ...
All characters in Pokemon: White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram including Iris, Jessie, James, Ash Ketchum, Damon and many more.