Pokemon Reborn Rom Hack Download The Minish Cap is a lovely ode to the Zelda series. True, the basic gameplay is fundamentally identical to that of past games in the series, but that is what, in our book, makes this game even better. You can decide the length of the game and keep it...
04. Pokémon Reborn Modeled after Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Reborn is designed for PC play. It introduces some new mechanics, like Field Effects, which allow you to change the battlefield type to your advantage. The storyline is more adult than traditional Pokémon games, and it’s dark. ...
Complete Original Story: An all new story tailored towards a more mature audience B/W Repel System Mega Evolution (New Mega's as well) Pokémon up to Generation 7 Fancy Badges (By: Luka-SJ) Elite Battle Systems (By: Luka-SJ) New Shiny Pokémon (Courtesy of Amethyst and The Reborn Team...