The task may seem daunting at first, but its quite simple to evolve Pawmo into Pawmot How to Evolve Pawmi to Pawmo Firstly, you will need to catch yourself this generation’s Pikachu clone, Pawmi. It is easy to obtain, as […] ...
For one idea, you could color the background to match what type you would evolve this Eevee into. For example, you could use reds if you would evolve it into a fire-type. Togepi is one unique Pokemon, as it looks like it is constantly emerging from an egg! That egg is also decorat...
and the colours are all bright and unnatural. That's not to say a design should never have an interesting colour on it or a new eye type, but when every creature is completely different in style, it clangs. Also, most pokemon seem to evolve by becoming bipedal now. Some evolve by gr...
Capturing a Wailord can be done by going toRoute 129. If you also have a Wailmer ahead of time, you can evolve it to a Wailord once it reaches level 40. Now that you have these two, you also need two other Pokemon that have Dive and Dig. Wailord can learn Dive if you want to...
Raikou, Entei, and Suicune: These three Legendary Pokémon can be encountered in the wild and chased across Johto and Kanto. After encountering them for the first time, they will roam randomly throughout the region, so you will need to track them down. ...