The game introduces the first playable female character, a refined user interface, and animated sprites that bring Pokémon to life. A greater focus on the legendary Pokémon Suicune and deeper exploration of Eusine, a character obsessed with its capture, add depth to Crystal's engaging storyline...
The game introduces the first playable female character, a refined user interface, and animated sprites that bring Pokémon to life. A greater focus on the legendary Pokémon Suicune and deeper exploration of Eusine, a character obsessed with its capture, add depth to Crystal's engaging storyline...
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} Mickael-van-der-Beek / reddit-user-analayse Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 4 ...
口袋妖怪白金(Pokemon Platinum) / 宠物小精灵(Pokemon) 48张 #130 Gyarados 口袋妖怪系列(Pokemon Series) / Joshr 的自定义宠物小精灵精灵(Joshr"s Custom Pokemon Sprites) 408张 世界地图3(World Map 3) 宠物小精灵神秘地牢 : 盖茨到无穷远(Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity) / 杂项...
近距离作战(Close-Combat) 口袋妖怪钻石 / 珍珠(Pokemon Diamond / Pearl)/其他的精灵(Other Sprites)/攻击图形(Attack Graphics) 115张 X-Scizzor 口袋妖怪钻石 / 珍珠(Pokemon Diamond / Pearl)/其他的精灵(Other Sprites)/攻击图形(Attack Graphics) 115张...
the minimalist nature of the animation rears its head again. The sprites are rendered well, and this title features some of the best sprite art of the series. However, each Pokemon has a single non-animated sprite (they also have an ultra-rare alternative sprite) which can become monotonous...
Other sprites Platinum intro's sprite Trivia Infernape shares its category with Charmeleon, Charizard, Flareon, and Moltres. They are all known as the Flame Pokémon. Origin Infernape appears to be based on a monkey. The gold elements in its design, as well as its Japanese name, may be lin...
SpritesThis Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. Generation III RubySapphire Emerald FireRedLeafGreen FrontBack FrontBack FrontBack Generation IV DiamondPearl Platinum HeartGoldSoulSilver FrontBack FrontBack FrontBack Generation V BlackWhite Black 2White 2 FrontBack FrontBack Generation VI XY...
t=320333 感谢作者GoGoJJTech 祝大家圣诞节快乐 下载在2楼 PS:UPS补丁有3个版本,分别对应火红,红宝石,绿宝石,没有分别,我只打了火红版补丁 Pokemon Platinum Red and Blue Versions are 2 separate GBA hacks, both using Fire Red as a base. I repeat, Pokemon Platinum Version on the gba. Platinum ...
[未发布,目前作者还在尾声的整理阶段,大概下个月左右会发布] Features Renewed tileset and graphic improvements Dynamic palettes Attacks up to 7th gen Infinite TM system BW style animated Pokemon from all Generations Characteristics according to nature Vertical Climbing Events and window lighting with the ...