Gardenia used a Roserade alongside her Cherubi in a Double Battle against Platinum's Prinplup and Ponyta. Although it quickly gained the upper hand by knocking out the latter using its poison whips and badly beat the former using combinations of Grass Knot and the aforementioned move, both ...
or Piplup Mask. Bidoof . Normalize All of user's moves become Normaltype . Pal Park is a place set up so that you can transfer Pokemon you've caught in GBA Pokemon games to Pokemon PlatinumThere are many rare and valuable Pokemon that you can only get by using this method, making it...
That said, I will give them credit for at least not totally breaking classic editor posts. It used to be the case that if you opened a classic post in the block editor it would slam it into blocks, ruining formatting and making it uneditable in classic again. Not it nicely puts everyth...
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