so that you can transfer Pokemon you've caught in GBA Pokemon games to Pokemon PlatinumThere are many rare and valuable Pokemon that you can only get by using this method, making it critical to completing your National Pokedex. 1 Get HM06 Rock Smash. Fire Stone 2100 A peculiar stone that...
National Pokedex:493 Unlocking the National Pokedex:See the first 210 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex Pokemon Platinumisthe third installmentof Generation 4, boasting many improvements and changes. Such alterations make the completion of the Pokedex somewhat easier. However, version-exclusive Pokemon poses...
The Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Icons Wave 4 arrives before the release of The Teal Mask DLC. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet icons (wave 4) are available through Nintendo Online for Platinum Points until September 5! Includes Ogerpon and Terapagos!💎 — PokéJungle...
Get all the inside info, cheats, hacks, codes, walkthroughs for Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum Version on GameSpot.
Generation II GoldSilver Trade, Event Crystal Ilex Forest (requires GS Ball)* Generation III RubySapphire Trade, Event Emerald Trade, Event FireRedLeafGreen Trade, Event Colosseum Purify all Shadow Pokémon (requires Japanese bonus disc) XD Trade Generation IV DiamondPearl Event Platinum Event Heart...
Platinum The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking. HeartGold It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby. SoulSilver The development of wings on its legs enables it to fly fast...
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver are reincarnations of Pokemon Gold and Silver, the second generation games. Game Freak remade the games with nostalgia in mind, but also had a deep desire to make something completely new. I know this for a fact: the president of Game Freak said so himse...