CCPintroduced new player packsthat were essentially selling skill points… again. They were alsohanding out more skill points for logging in, doing a PLEX for Good for the Australian wildfires as well, and finishing the 64-bit client transition. Our long time corp, Black Sheep Down,was going ...
ctes: Giving it double head jaws is kind of cheap, but it really works. I always liked its design, so it getting a mega and a second type, so it's not just the boring pure steel has really made me like it and put it to good use. It's mega look s really great. I don't th...
Booster packs and box sets have risen in price at my local game store, but Theme Deck prices remained the same, unless you are talking about that Vivid Voltage Charizard one. When I am too cheap to spend any money, I always prioritize Theme Decks, now V battle decks, when it comes to...