Pokemon Y Rom Nintendo 3DS Download Nintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] ROM 📥 19976 ⭐ 3.8 📦 Role Playing Pokemon Omega Ruby Nintendo 3DS Rom Nintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] ROM 📥 17820 ⭐ 3.8 📦 Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Nintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] ROM 📥 9199 ⭐ 3.8 📦 Pokemon...
Pokemon Omega Ruby 3DS (USA) CIA Update 1.4 Links:WORLD(18MB) ———- MegaUp|ZippyShare|SolidFiles|1Fichier For Extracting Rar Files UseWinRARor7zip Decrypted ROM’s are playable on PC withCitra 3DS Emulator Notes: Do I need to Download all the Parts? Yes. ForHow to Extract (Multi) R...
citra吧 ♂兰帕德⑧ Pokemon Rising Sun and Waning Moon!!!Gbatemp 的用户Kobazco制作了一款难度非常高的改版 " 宝可梦 日月 ",命名为《精灵宝可梦 升阳 / 残月》(Rising Sun and Waning Moon)。 一起来看看这个修改版的游戏里包含了哪些变化吧: 试炼队长和岛主现在都带满了 6 只宝可梦。 等级曲线进行了修...
DS:Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Black/White, Black 2/White 2, Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team, Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky. 3DS:Pokemon X/Y, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Console Games Nintendo 64:Pokemon Stadium,...
个外国的改版,真的很牛,说在前头,未完··· 废话少说先上图: 下楼解析: +6 分享55赞 口袋改版资源吧 大咸鱼王 Pokemon Omega Origins(gba)Name:Pokemon Omega OriginsVer.: v3 Plataforma:GBA Autor: Lautaro Sánchez Rom Base: Fire RedRealease:2019 Status: CompleteLanguage:English Características:-...