Baton Passers need a lot of speed to pull this off, but supply a lot of power if the opponent is not ready for it. A good example is Ninjask. --- Hazer/PHazer --- A Hazer exists to negate stat changes with the move Haze. A PHazer is using a move that is not Haze, but acco...
Ninjask | 61 | 232 - 326 267 | Ivysaur | 60 | 230 - 324 267 | Butterfree | 60 | 230 - 324 267 | Arbok | 60 | 230 - 324 267 | Raichu | 60 | 230 - 324 267 | Gloom | 60 | 230 - 324 267 | Parasect | 60 | 230 - 324 267 | Venonat | 60 | 230 - 324 267 | ...
Presuming that Ninjask can survive one hit, we get a free speed boost, and a doubled attack on shedija. If this was a viable possibility otherwise, the speed/attack could always be baton passed to Kyogre/Groundon. Ascetic Swordsman
Ninjask probably won't last too long, but might well prove an invaluable clutch in one crucial battle if it survives long enough to get Baton Pass. Shedinja has a legitimate chance of holding on for a while if I'm careful, though. I'm pretty sure there's...