※点击每行的“通算集数”列可做标记,作为已追动画的记录 ※点击“集数”和“收视率”可改变排序 ※点击“中文标题”可查看剧情简介 ※中文标题保留中国大陆引进版原标题 通算集数集数标题编剧脚本分镜絵コンテ演出演出作画监督作画監督收视率首播日期 BW001 001 前往合众地方!捷克罗姆的身影!!イッシュ地方へ!ゼ...
Of the 144002 characters on Anime Characters Database, 93 are from the 动画 Pokemon: Indigo League.
标题一览 2012年 通算集数标题 编剧 脚本分镜 絵コンテ演出 演出作画监督 作画監督首播日期 BW085001歌唱吧,美洛耶塔!爱的旋律!! 歌えメロエッタ!愛の旋律!!武上純希うえだしげるうえだしげる緒方厚6.6%2012/06/21 BW086002波加曼VS花椰猴!华丽的对战!!
The Pokemon anime loves to show off how delicious Magikarp looks when prepared as a meal. Skewered, sliced, or baked into a delicious bread, this fine fish can be prepared in a variety of ways. From the looks of it, Magkarp should be eaten as a sashimi or deep fried for maximum flavo...
First partner Pokémon 2 List of Pokémon 3 Liko 4 Kyurem 5 JRPG Games 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim•7th Dragon•ActRaiser•Agarest War•Astonishia Story•Atelier•Baten Kaitos•Blade and Soul•Blue Dragon•Blue Reflection•Breath of Fire•Caligula•Chaos Rings•Chrono•Custom Robo...
Looking for more content celebrating the Year of the Dragon and Dragon-type content? Check out thisDragon-type Pokémon quiz. And keep an eye out for more Dragon-type features throughout the year. Want to watch the seasons or episodes of the Pokémon anime mentioned in this article? Here’...
The Best Pokemon Movies Of All Time, Ranked 28 Inexpensive Gifts Every Pokemon Master Will Love 7 Pokemon Episodes Banned Around the World 17 Horrifying Pokémon Knockoffs You Won't Believe Actually Exist Dark Things Going On In The Pokémon Manga That The Anime Skipped Right Over 26 Pokemon ...
Pokemon parody | "Ash vs Gary WITH NO PLOT ARMOR": With Austin Jay Cook, Olivier Jean Paul. Ash Ketchum is no longer the main protagonist of the Pokemon anime franchise., which means he can no longer benefit from the infamous "Plot Armor". After hearing
POKEMON ANIME OUTROSIn Pocket Monsters, after the conclusion of every episode, the show plays the credits with a short animation and song. Almost none of these animations have ever been brought over to dubs of the show because Kids WB loves snipping out the closing videos in favor of ...
Therefore, Pokemon action figures will be a special gift for your friends who enjoy anime. Collectible Pokemon figurines will also suit casual people who love the adorable mascot-like characters. And so, the team from Awesome Stuff 365 has produced a recommendation list that will help you shop ...