预计12/15 @张黎云 会发布一周目汉化【改版资讯】名称: 口袋妖怪超级白金光2.0 Pokemon Light Platinum类型: GBA Hack of:红宝石语言:中文作者:WesleyFG (以下资讯欢迎补充修正)汉化:机械飞升 @张黎云 更新:???来源:交流企鹅群877873938特色:七代精灵永久Mega13
是一位国外口袋妖怪达人基于《口袋妖怪红宝石》所改版的GBA游戏,受到众多玩家的好评。 下载地址 口袋妖怪白金光珍藏版(Pokemon Light Platinum) v6.7.0 安卓版 普通下载地址: itmop本地下载 包名:com.androidemu.gbapmwhite MD5:c3b7c7c5d26472da0c9ce711cfac73f5 有问题?不能下载?点此报错告诉我们...
These arePokemon Light Platinum Legendaries(included All Legendaries in Generation 1,2,3,4,5 from Nintendo Pokemon Game) and we will show you their locations, detail informations and how to catch them easily. One useful advice for you is to use Cheats to have many Master Balls to have 100%...
New Trainer Classes added 2. Pokemon Light Platinum Download Now There is also a Pokemon Light Platinum ROM hack for the GBA. Don’t be confused because it is the DS version you would want to download. Anyway, this game has its own story going for it, and the visuals are very good. ...
A ROM hack of Pokemon Ruby (GBA) Giving it the sprites, story, and locations of Pokemon Platinum (DS). Must be played on a GBA Emulator. Worked on by WesleyFG and thealexnolasco. Enjoy!
PROYECTO ORIGINAL: Pokémon Light Platinum GBA (by WesleyFG)HISTORY"You start in Yellow Town, a nice spring day. The professor wants you to go to Central City to investigate an ancient engraved with Kaohri, the Zhery League Champion. Things go wrong when they discover that a Team Steam ...
pokemon light platinum part 13: #LONGEPISODELongepi
The next of the best Pokemon ROMs is the Pokemon Light Platinum game. This version of the game is one of the top Pokemon ROM hacks ever derived from Pokemon Ruby, the official version. This is a great ROM hack because it adds some interesting content to the original Ruby game. You can...
Pokemon:Light Platinum 宝可梦:白金光的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Pokemon Light Platinum 03:37 【口袋妖怪超级白金光2.0】『半汉化试玩』七代精灵、807只宝可梦、永久Mega、13种属性伊布!Pokemon Light Platinum 06:14 【口袋妖怪务须草】『贺小智冠军』魔法开起来~固拉多原地起飞!原究极绿宝石小智神战改 07:02 【口袋妖怪游戏王v4.0.1】『梦幻联动』高达269只游戏王怪物...