Action Replay and Game Shark cheat types can be interchanged and these are typically longer with a code format ofXXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY. While Code Breakers are shorter with a code format ofXXXXXXXX YYYY. Finally, don’t turn on a lot of cheats at the same time to avoid the game from crashing...
Route 7 There's not much to do inRoute 7. The guards are still thirsty, so go on toCeladon City. Locations (Route 7) Bellsprout Growlithe Meowth Oddish Pidgey Vulpix <<PreviousNext >>
Starter?Charmander, Ponyta, Cyndaquil, Magby, Growlithe, Houndour Covers Weaknesses?No; Rock and Water are not covered Flying Ideal Team:Gyarados, Dragonite, Gligar, Zapdos, Charizard, Xatu Optional:Dodrio, Pidgeot, Spearow, Mantine, Crobat, Yanma, Scyther, Ledian, Butterfree, Farfetch’d, ...
0061 = Water Stone 0062 = Leaf Stone 0067 = Tiny Mushroom 0068 = Big Mushroom 006A = Pearl 006B = Big Pearl 006C = Stardust 006D = Star Piece 006E = Nugget 006F = Heart Scale 0079 = Orange Mail 007A = Harbor Mail 007B = Glitter Mail 007C = Mech Mail 007D = Wood Mail 007...
5x Growlithe Fur 3x Fletchling Feather 3x Charcadet Feather You will have a 10 percent greater chance of burning down the enemies. East Province Area One TM023 – Charge Beam Location: You need to move toward the West side from the Pokemon Center and find a thin ledge next to the grassy...
These are two line codes, the first line is always the same, but different on fire/leaf. The second line is the Pokémon, so it's different for the different Pokémon. Note that Mew and Deoxys will not obey if caught in the wild. First line: US FireRed 17543C48 E65E0B97 US L...
Starter?Charmander, Ponyta, Cyndaquil, Magby, Growlithe, Houndour Covers Weaknesses?No; Rock and Water are not covered Flying Ideal Team:Gyarados, Dragonite, Gligar, Zapdos, Charizard, Xatu Optional:Dodrio, Pidgeot, Spearow, Mantine, Crobat, Yanma, Scyther, Ledian, Butterfree, Farfetch’d,...
(Giant Chasm). 59 Arcanine Windie Growlithe. 289 Snatch Dark Status Smart 10 100% III . Some Pokemon evolve when they're tradedSome of them nee d a n ex tra kic k from i tems like Dragon Scale. Rage Cool Move doubles in value on the next turn. Blue Flower. 503 Scald Water ...
003A = Growlithe 003B = Arcanine 003C = Poliwag 003D = Poliwhirl 003E = Poliwrath 003F = Abra 0040 = Kadabra 0041 = Alakazam 0042 = Machop 0043 = Machoke 0044 = Machamp 0045 = Bellsprout 0046 = Weepinbell 0047 = Victreebel 0048 = Tentacool 0049 = Tentacruel 004A = Geodude 004B...
The other Black Leaf member tried to protect her ears to no avail. Between Mandrawl freaking out and the Growlithe’s roar, Maya wasn’t sure she’d be able to hear anything for the rest of the day. At this point, she wasn’t entirely sure Kurama could hear her commands if called ...