1f03- Route 13 2003- Route 14 2103- Route 15 2203- Route 16 2303- Route 17 2403- Route 18 2503- Route 19 2603- Route 20 2703- Route 21 2803- Neo Route 21 2903- Route 22 2A03- Route 23 2B03- Route 24 2C03- Route 25 Instant Kill (Cheat type: Action Replay/GameShark) 95EDFB...
当然,也有网友有指出,DITTO只能伪装成特定的pokemon,比如XXX,XXX,XXX等(我很懒,就不重新去翻看它们对应的名字了),那也就是说重点要捉这些XXX,单也有网友表示自己捉到的都不在list里。 但不管怎么样,我努力了2个月(当然,同时也是为了其他任务),还是一无所获。 任务:捉300只pokemon,捉150只kanto类别的pokemon ...
- Added Mega-evolutions for Kanto starters- Some trainers edited (including Blue's party from Mt. Silver)- Exp. Share added in the .sav file- Lucas (Platinum Hero) as a battle trainer- Start screen's text editedWhen: 29/05/14- Added "how to patch"- New game logo- Fixed Route 11 ...
Stadium 2 A skilled mime from birth, it gains the ability to compose invisible objects as it matures. Generation III Hoenn #— Kanto #122 Ruby Mr. Mime is a master of pantomime. Its gestures and motions convince watchers that something unseeable actually exists. Once it is believed, it will...
Raikou, Entei, and Suicune: These three Legendary Pokémon can be encountered in the wild and chased across Johto and Kanto. After encountering them for the first time, they will roam randomly throughout the region, so you will need to track them down. ...
Fixed price for Kanto Safari Ball in Fuchsia Mart.Fixed Pokémon Family Tree in Pokémon Summary.Fixed the "broken English" in all movies events, so players can read the text better.Fixed some bad english translations.Game speed was improved.And other improved things / repair bugs and errors....
Prolog Kanto. 2 Jahre sind seitdem vergangen. Team Rocket scheiterte und löste sich auf. Doch nun gibt es Anzeichen dafür, dass es ein Comeback geben wird. Ist das sicher? Haben sie wirklich aufgegeben oder werden sie versuchen, den dunkelsten Plan der Geschichte der Pokémon-Welt zu...
It cannot evolve into any other Pokemon or from any other Pokemon other than the Kanto. It is one of the most powerful Pokemon having giant attack stats to boot. This Pokemon will reward you as it is a great all-rounder and a plus point for any team. In addition, this powerful ...
Part 2, will happen soon. So stay tuned. Lanydx reborn The Superior Lanydx 1 2 3 4 Joined Jun 14, 2009 Messages 2,808 Awards 4 Location Wandering. Jun 30, 2014 #14 Pokemon Black and White Rebirth Chapter 3.1 You say you wanna a revolution. Part 1. The Kanto boy woke up in ...
26 3 13 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmK6hj9wNIM 作者:R3 Music Box 类型:小智再次邂逅谜之少女时的场景曲Mystery Girl, Again的音乐盒演奏Remix 相关:Pokemon Heroes: Latios and Latias_精灵宝可梦剧场版:水都的守护神 拉帝亚斯和拉帝欧斯...