For instance, if you spend a lot of time fighting wild Gastly in the Old Chateau, and you notice that your Pokemon's Special Attack is going up a bit faster than normal, that's because Gastly carries a Effort Value for Special Attack. Four Effort Values for one stat means that when yo...
I presentUnfair Stamp, the newestACE SPECcard that makesPrime Catcherlook fair. To summarize, Unfair Stamp is likeRoxanne—except it’s an Item card and doesn’t have the Prize card restriction. This Item can facilitate strong swing turns, either paired withBoss’s Ordersor a draw Supporter....
[Item by Francis Hamit.]Knightscope. Yeah, they look like Daleks. Sheer coincidence. Bill Li had never heard of Daleks when he started the company. A Knightscope robot is a supplement not a replacement for a human guard but does have some pretty neat features that humans can’t replicate s...
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #63 Abra: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
ABOUT: Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon intruduced a new Shiny Hunting method known as the Ultra Wormhole. It represents a minigame in which the player rides ...
3Arceus: Only Wakes Up To Jam Out To A Flute According to legend, Arceus created the Sinnoh and Ransei continents, if not the entire Pokemon world. Wouldn't you be tired after all that work? (Just ignore the fact that it also supposedly had help from Giratina, Palkia, Dialga, Uxie, ...
Pokemon Pearl National Dex No-Heal Challenge Introduction It's near-unanimously agreed by fans that Pokemon Diamond and Pearl have the singular worst...
The Wonder Mail feature that was removed in the previous game, is re-implemented, with the passwords used being way shorter now. Unlike the other games, when an item falls into fire or water and is destroyed by the process, It is now placed on the nearest road instead. ...
After going through the future portal, Grovyle wakes up near an unconscious Dusknoir. It seems that the future hasn't been changed yet, and Grovyle believes that the player and their partner, probably didn't place the Time Gears yet. He then decides to head to the Temporal Tower and face...
If you have Timer Balls with you that you might need to use, mentally keep track of how long the battle has gone on. If the legendary wakes up, use the sleep move on it again. Hopefully, one of your pokéballs will succeed in catching the legendary before it can run out of PP ...