, a Trainer's Seviper participated in the Battle Frontier Flute Cup, only to be defeated by Pikachu. Pokédex entries EpisodePokémonSourceEntry AG008 Seviper Ash's Pokédex Seviper, the Fang Snake Pokémon. Seviper is known for its angry disposition, immobilizing its opponents by wrapping its ...
In Battle Royal 151!, a Trainer's Mawile competed in the Battle Royal preliminary round of the Manalo Conference but ended up losing. Pokédex entries EpisodePokémonSourceEntry AG105 Mawile Ash's Pokédex Mawile, the Deceiver Pokémon. Mawile has jaw-like appendages at the ends of its steel ...
EpisodePokémonSourceEntry DP159 Mr. Mime Dawn's Pokédex Mr. Mime, the Barrier Pokémon. By rapidly moving its fingers, Mr. Mime can stop air molecules to compose an invisible wall. Pokémon: Twilight Wings In Assistant, an Office Worker's Galarian Mr. Mime was carrying some papers in Macr...
In A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!, a Flygon was in the Wild Area. Pokédex entries EpisodePokémonSourceEntry AG123 Flygon Ash's Pokédex Flygon, the Mystic Pokémon. Flygon is the evolved form of Vibrava. It's known as "The Desert Creature" because of the song-like voice that...
, a Trainer's Linoone competed in the Battle Frontier Flute Cup, only to be defeated by Pikachu.Pokédex entriesEpisodePokémonSourceEntry AG112 Linoone Ash's Pokédex Linoone, the Rushing Pokémon. Linoone is the evolved form of Zigzagoon. It can run at speeds over 60 miles per hour, but ...
. One of them competed in the Friendship Festival. A Trainer's Marill appeared in Secrets of the Jungle. Pokédex entries EpisodePokémonSourceEntry PK01 Marill Dexter Marill, a Water-type Pokémon. EpisodePokémonSourceEntry EP087 Marill Ash's Pokédex Marill, the Water Mouse Pokémon. Its ...
In Drawn with the Wind!, a Hariyama serves as public transport for tourists in Malie Garden. It gave Lana, Mallow, Lillie, and their Pokémon a ride.Pokédex entriesEpisodePokémonSourceEntry AG020 Hariyama May's Pokédex Hariyama, the Arm Thrust Pokémon. Hariyama is the evolved form of ...
In Trade, Borrow, and Steal!, Goh caught a second Pinsir, which he traded for Kricketina Kylie's Heracross shortly afterwards. Pokédex entries EpisodePokémonSourceEntry EP004 Pinsir Ash's Pokédex Pinsir. This fearsome Pokémon uses its powerful claws to put the squeeze on its opponents. Ep...
EpisodePokémonSourceEntry JN036 Flygon Goh's Rotom Phone Flygon, the Mystic Pokémon. A Ground and Dragon type. Flygon has been called "the Desert Creature." With its powerful wings, it composes sandstorms to hide in. Pokémon: Twilight Wings Flygon in Pokémon: Twilight Wings A Flygon ...
EpisodePokémonSourceEntry JN018 Raichu Goh's Rotom Phone Raichu, the Mouse Pokémon. An Electric type, and the evolved form of Pikachu. As Raichu's body fills with electricity, its demeanor becomes more aggressive. Pokémon Origins Raichu in Pokémon Origins Lt. Surge's Raichu Red battled Lt...