Pokemon Shadow Legendz is a HeartGold-based hack where you have Legendary Pokemon as your starters. Pokemon HeartGold is also the … Pokemon Emerald Imperium Cheats February 28, 2025 Pokemon Emerald Imperium is a fresh new hack straight from the minds of great ROM hackers. This hack was create...
Most of us who play Pokemon Gaia is always looking for new ways to get additional Pokeballs, unusual items, and the game’s most powerful Pokemon. You may even be on the lookout for the game’s strongest Pokemon. You may also want to check our collection ofBest Pokemon ROM Hacksif you...
The second user created ROM I want to highlight is Pokemon Flora Sky. It was the first one that I ever played and showed me the true potential of what a good ROM could be. Flora Sky is based on Pokemon Emerald, but with Heart Gold style graphics and sprites. This could be one of ...
有關各個別遊戲的內容,請移步至獨立子條目:Twitch Plays Pokemon:Red、Crystal、Emerald、Randomized Fire Red、Platinum、Randomized Heart Gold、Black、Blaze Black 2、X、Omega Ruby、Sun、Sword SEASON 2:Anniversary Red、Touhoumon + Moemon、Randomized Alpha Sapphire、Colosseum ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRA...
·霹雳白》汉化版吧里原本有这个的,度娘作死吞掉,还不给恢复,只能重发了 改版作者:Drayano Pokémon Blaze Black / Pokémon Volt White,中文译名为《口袋妖怪 爆焰黑·霹雳白》, 此改版类似以前发布的心金魂银改版 Neo HeartGold / Neo SoulSilver, 修改了所有野生精灵和所有NPC携带精灵的种类和等级,使得游戏体验...
PROYECT NAME:Pokémon Light PlatinumBASE ROM: Pokémon Oro HeartGold ESPMADE BY: Mikelan98LANGUAGE: Spanish (and English later)PROYECTO ORIGINAL: Pokémon Light Platinum GBA (by WesleyFG)... 分享3712 口袋改版资源吧 Evelyn⛄ 【白金光NDS新年特别beta版】Light Platinum NDS 新人第一次发帖由于作者...
329029 (本帖禁止转载) Pokémon Heart Red Current Version: v0.4.1 Screenshot Album Information This is a ROM hack based off of Heart Gold which aims to remake the classic game Pokémon Red. Youcan progress until you reach Vermilion City. Thisincludes: Starter Selection Parcel Delivery 3 ...