Thanks toSerebii, here are the World of Wonders Special Research tasks in Pokemon Go: Step 1 of 5 Catch 20 Pokemon – x10 Poke Balls Spin 10 PokeStops – x7 Razz Berries Transfer 10 Pokemon – x7 Pinap Berries Rewards: Poipole Encounter, 803 XP ...
After being delayed, the second round of the Chesnaught Tera Raid will take place this weekend, June 16th through June 18th. Every trainer’s last chance for a 7-star Rock Tera Chesnaught will take place through the entirety of the weekend. Serebii Update: The Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera...
As Serebii details, if you give your Eevee a specific nickname, it'll evolve into one of the new forms when powered up. Nickname it Linnea to evolve it into Leafeon, or nickname it Rea to evolve it into Glaceon. However, this trick appears to work only once, so you'll need to get...
Image Courtesy: The Dragon Scale in Pokemon GO is an item used for one specific purpose. It is used to evolve a special Pokemon. More specifically, you can use the dragon scale to evolveSeadrainto itsJohto form Kingdra. There is no other usage of this item, and no ...
Niantic has revealed a brand-new event type for Pokémon GO; Partner Research. This new event is similar to a Special Weekend, as you’ll get a promotional code at various partner locations, along with Timed Research that runs until the end of the event. You can find a list of ...
The Koraidon/Miraidon you catch having static IVs and Nature are for plot reasons, since the Story battle against them must go a certain way. Which is still a little silly, mind you, sinceI think the capture battle could have had altered stats and n...
Thread [APP] GO Dex for Pokemon GO I made this app. The data in it is from and Silph Road. I would greatly appreciate feedback and suggestions. Please share your suggestions here, or on this forms link -....
210 Base Defense: 210 Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 20 km Evolution Requirement: N/A Fast Attacks: Confusion, Charge Beam Charged Attacks: Hyper Beam, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Seed Bomb*, Leaf Storm* In Pokémon GO, Celebi can be obtained by completing the Special Research set, A Rip...
Tommy and I go to look, but are set upon by two wild Starly! It turns out that the briefcase contains three Pokemon - Sinnoh's starter trio: the Grass-type Turtwig, the Fire-type Chimchar, and the Water-type Piplup! Tommy suggests that we use them to d...
Pokémon GO Live. Retrieved on 2018-05-08. ↑2.02.1SerebiiNet. (2018, August 14).Serebii Update: The next Community Day timings beyond September have been announced.Twitter. Retrieved on 2018-08-15. ↑NianticHelp. (2018, March 21).Attn: UK Community Day attendees!.Twitter. Retrieved on ...