Mud Shot isn't a particularly damaging fast attack but it is the quickest energy generator making it the optimal choice. If you got Hydro Cannon during the Mudkip Community Day or used an Elite Charged TM it’s the best choice for the charged move, otherwise, go with Earthquake. Sludge ...
This pair has incredible potential for damage as well as the best way to spread status effects to the opponent. Go Viral provides an excellent utility that is effective against any party composition. Type: Fire Weakness: Ground MAX STATS HP685 ATTACK138 DEFENCE146 SPECIAL ATTACK297 SPECIAL DEFENC...
A Team Rocket Grunt in Johto owns an Electrode in Sneasel Sneak Attack.Eusine, as seen in Jumping Jumpluff, possesses an Electrode, which allows him to travel over large distances by riding it. It apparently uses electric charges to suspend itself in midair. It was temporarily given to ...
You’re going to find Metal Alloy in a specific location, and tracking it down could take a bit of time. Thankfully, we’ve been able to narrow down the exact place you need to go, so you can go straight there and get it yourself. However, it might take you a bit of time if y...