Ranks 7–9Trainers who reach ranks 7–9 can see theirrating, a number that indicates one’s performance in GO Battle League relative to other Trainers. Trainers in ranks 7–9 are matched with other Trainers according to their current rating for more competitive matches. To reach higher ranks ...
歡迎來到 PvPokeTW.com! 這是一個基於pvpoke.com的非官方繁中翻譯版,針對 Pokemon GO PVP(玩家間對戰) 的開源平台。 戰鬥模擬計算 指定兩隻或多隻寶可夢進行模擬戰鬥並計算各種數據 寶可夢排名 各聯盟、主題賽中所有寶可夢的招式與戰鬥能力排行 隊伍組建模擬 ...
Pokémon GO Battle League Rating and Ranking System This page describes the system for matching players for player-vs-player (PvP) battles in Pokémon GO, the numeric ranking score ("ELO rating") used for that purpose, and formulas for calculating your current score for those situations in ...
可以看到最初拿到的宝可梦的社群日的限定技能是很吃香的,大家可以以它们为基础来搭配第二技能,正好它们的星星沙子和糖消耗也最低,所以星星沙子不太多的小伙伴(比如我)可以优先培养它们并组成最初的PVP战队。 需要指出的是,上表数据整合于PVP发布早期,随着时间的推移,越来越多的新招式和新效果被加入,尤其是GO对战联...
Looking for an edge in Pokemon GO Trainer Battles? Become a master with our open-source Pokemon battle simulator, explore the top Pokemon rankings, and get your team rated for PvP battles.
想在Pokemon GO PVP 戰鬥中無往不利嗎? 善用這個網站,組建並精進你的隊伍,不用二十年你也可以成為冠軍!
The world’s largest crowd-sourced Pokemon GO PvP battle database. Analyze the meta, log your battles, auto-generate teams... and more!
《Pokemon Go》将在年底加入PVP模式 《精灵宝可梦Go》是一款对现实世界中出现的宝可梦进行探索捕捉、战斗以及交换的游戏 。玩家可以通过智能手机在现实世界里发现精灵,进行抓捕和战斗。但是它一直缺少一个重要的功能:将你的神奇宝贝与另一位训练师直接对抗。不过,事情在最近发生了变化,Niantic Labs公司向波兰新闻网站...