Once you know how to really swap moves it will be a lot easier for you to fight in the battle. The best way to understand Move Swapping is by using Pokemon Quest Move. This one is a part of Learning Training feature of the game. Go in Edit Team and select one Pokemon. Next, go ...
Many cards go unused in the current state of the game or evolve into better creatures (Image via The Pokemon Company) In a Pokemon TCG Pocket match, many creatures are in a deck for the sole purpose of evolving into more powerful variants. As such, this tier is mostly comprised of un...
The hardest part about doing a Dragon Run are their late availability and ESPECIALLY their exposure to weaknesses. As such, without a doubt, the best games for a Dragon run areSword and Shield. Once you get into the Wild Area go tothis denand throw in a Wishing Piece if it hasn’t sp...
Pokemon TCG Pocket players might want to know about the best Charizard ex deck guide since it is one of the hardest damage dealers in the game currently. As a monotype fire deck, this deck has other Fire-type cards like the Moltres ex and Ponyta lineup. If set up properly, it can ...
Fortunately, however, this Lucario’s moveset is not one that can do much against Crobat. Drain Punch or Metal Claw are its best options, though the latter will be more irritating since it'll recover health. I strike and take off a third of its health, and...
C Tier. It's early game (barring Brock) is incredibly strong. It starts to fall off after Sabrina though. It never recovers from this period sadly but its a great first route mon. It really doesn't need a bunch of investment either as its natural moveset can take care of it until...
Roselia gained another evolution (and pre-evolution) in Diamond & Pearl in Roserade, which is one of the best Grass Pokemon in the game, with an awesome moveset and stellar Special Attack with 125. Related Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Strongest Pokemon in the Paldea Pokedex (& Where ...
Go pick the one that suits you best. Hmm...! ...I pick this one! As usual, he picks the one that beats our starter. You and I, Kate... we'll battle soon enough. Trust me. I have four Pokémon to your one. Wait until you have the chance to catch up. I'm out of here,...
The hardest part about doing a Dragon Run are their late availability and ESPECIALLY their exposure to weaknesses. As such, without a doubt, the best games for a Dragon run areSword and Shield. Once you get into the Wild Area go tothis denand throw in a Wishing Piece if it hasn’t sp...
Comments These are overall better than the ones in the last round. Onix and Ponyta are my analyses so I'll leave those alone. Magmar and Moltres are...