Reddit用户与《Pokemon GO》社区里的玩家合作,联系了苹果和安卓商店,告知他们这种提供无效联系地址的做法违反了应用商店的服务条款。Niantic受到了来自四面八方的攻击,每天都热情地参与游戏但被各种恼人的bug折腾得十分沮丧的玩家们对Niantic这种态度十分不满。 玩家们只想讲道理,但Niantic表示无可奉告,让玩家们感到迷茫...
Niantic收到了大量关于补给站没有正确被《Pokemon GO》程序利用的投诉,这些补给站包括私人住宅乃至大屠杀纪念馆这样的知名地点。最近,玩家们目睹了第一波大规模关闭Pokestop的行动。正如Reddit上所说的,这次关闭浪潮在关闭一批设置在医院的Pokestop时被发现。不幸的是,那些医院中包括了一大批儿童医院,而这次关闭并没有得...
Reddit用户与《Pokemon GO》社区里的玩家合作,联系了苹果和安卓商店,告知他们这种提供无效联系地址的做法违反了应用商店的服务条款。Niantic受到了来自四面八方的攻击,每天都热情地参与游戏但被各种恼人的bug折腾得十分沮丧的玩家们对Niantic这种态度十分不满。 6.一刀切的问题处理方式 Niantic收到了大量关于补给站没有正...
Already, players are noticing that the game needs to have better balancing and player management. On the official Pokémon Go Reddit thread, named ’Silph Road’, player Riggnaros delivered the following analysis: “First and foremost; Scaling is WAY off in every area and needs to be adjusted....
分享2623 pokemongo吧 apple就是我~ 【pokemon-go】个体值计算工具说明一下参考来源 楼主做了一下翻译,以及整理,可以使大家方便使用 分享19赞 pokemongo吧 咲筱尛º 做了一个PM GO的CP计算器,仅供参考~~首先是声明~计算方式来源 http:/...
睡得四仰八叉等着被揉肚子的小狗和小狗龙!🥺来源:Reddit u/SPARKLEOFHOPE6IB 可爱宝宝!来源:Reddit u/Enennoa 安静沉眠的伊布(闪)。来源:Twitter @ZebXCIX 写在前面: 这是一个节奏非·常·非·常·慢的、以睡觉为主养成为辅的佛系游戏。目前我玩下来的感受是,养成周期基本以现实中的月为单位,基本想要培养...
Source: 转自 Gift礼物 US美版 EU欧版 JP日版 10 Pokédiamonds 88542610 03570018 37784502 20 Pokédiamonds 83660710 79159356 68938734 Red Outfit 15475553 53536680 96380090 Blue Outfit 48894913 54827636 97881775 Pikachu ...
When you’re out and about, the accessory can be used alongside Pokemon Go to spin PokeStops or throw PokeBalls–as well as Great Balls and Ultra Balls–automatically, and linking the Pokemon Go Plus+ with Pokemon Go will also let you take on special research to catch a Snorlax that wea...
those don’t count. I need to get out and walk more. On the plus side, I live in coastal California, where it is still nice out most days, so I can go out and walk. It is a little chilly, but that is a plus if you’re walking any distance. I just have to find the time....