Many cards go unused in the current state of the game or evolve into better creatures (Image via The Pokemon Company) In a Pokemon TCG Pocket match, many creatures are in a deck for the sole purpose of evolving into more powerful variants. As such, this tier is mostly comprised of un...
The best way to understand Move Swapping is by using Pokemon Quest Move. This one is a part of Learning Training feature of the game. Go in Edit Team and select one Pokemon. Next, go to the Training section and you will see two options. One is Level-Up Training and second is Move ...
The hardest part about doing a Dragon Run are their late availability and ESPECIALLY their exposure to weaknesses. As such, without a doubt, the best games for a Dragon run areSword and Shield. Once you get into the Wild Area go tothis denand throw in a Wishing Piece if it hasn’t sp...
saw a mix of Pokemon vs Pokémon so I opted to go w the latter here lmk if you prefer non-accented e Last edited: Oct 19, 2024 Reactions: Merritt and pe5e adorluigi shit the world Moderator Oct 19, 2024 #12 Alakazam, Mudkip, Ralts, Kadabra copypaste 1/1 Last edited: Oct...
Future Sight (1 Bar move) Here Dark-types will do best due to their own 2x resistance! While the highest raw damage moveset, Dark types are ready to eat it up. General Uxie Counters These bosses are one of the most vanilla Psychic-type bosses ever. Gone are the monster Focus Blasts an...
Ah yes, there’s a mandatory trainer here, too – a Psychic, with a Gastly, Kadabra, and Misdreavus. The first two go down easily thanks to Asafoetida’s newly-boosted Attack and Speed, but the latter survives a Bite and inflicts confusion in return. Luckily...
Optional:Lugia (S, SS), Kadabra, Hypno, Wobbufett, Mr. Mime (HGSS via Safari), Unown First Pokémon:Unown at the Ruins of Alph before the first gym; after Unown you can get a Slowpoke at the Slowpoke well before the second gym. ...
Being so fast is something that makes Tentacruel a beast, outspeeding (and 2HKOing) Sabrina's Alakazam felt really great and in the worst case, Tentacruel could take down Kadabra, Mr.Mime and Alakazam against Sabrina. The speed comes in handy and Tentacruel has a way better Agatha ...
For Dratini, I'd advice using Dragon Rage for Erika, Koga (it 2HKOes Koffing) and Sabrina (it 2HKOes Kadabra and Mr.Mime) and keeping Agility to make sure to sweep Blaine. For the E4, the ideal moveset seems to be Fly/Surf/Thunderbolt/Dragon Claw. You can tailor it but this ...
Kadabra struggled super hard at the E4, but again, this looks to be the case with 90% of the mons here. Nonetheless, I am willing to give it A rank, because Kadabra obliterates 95% of the Route trainers and generally destroys at least 50% of a Gym's team (bar Tate and Li...