需要指出的是,上表数据整合于PVP发布早期,随着时间的推移,越来越多的新招式和新效果被加入,尤其是GO对战联盟上线之后,所以跳出新手期后请勿无脑根据上表配招,但上表的EPS、DPS等数据还是可以参考的。 GO对战联盟 GO对战联盟(GO Battle League)是2020年新增的功能,基本就相当于天梯,需要和来自世界各地的训练家对战。...
Pokemon GO Battle League PvP is upon us! Pokebattler supports both GO Battle League and Silph Arena Cups. Our Random Shield settings are a great way to quickly analyze which Pokemon have the advantage over others. But dive in to see all the different shield scenarios. The Top 30 rankings g...
官方在2020年初发布了天梯模式(游戏中称为GO对战联盟(GO Battle League)),在此模式下要进行五场战斗,然后根据胜场数来提升你的天梯等级。每个赛季结束后会按等级来发放对应的奖励。现在有很多宝可梦、道具和服装通常情况下只能通过天梯奖励获得,比如毛头小鹰、摔跤手皮卡丘、厉害招式学习器等等。 8 快速升级 刚才说了...
the trio of Noctowl, Lanturn, and Medicham reigns supreme. However, they are accompanied by Alolan Ninetales, Sableye, and Registeel. Sableye, like Azumarill and Registeel, has been a solid Pokémon in the Great League for many years. This Pokémon threatens Medicham and Trevenant with its...
Updated Great League Top Performers With GO Battle Weekend beginning tomorrow, I've updated the Training Analysis page with top performers from the past few weeks of Great League practice. The Pokemon topping the charts are by and large established meta at this point, although Morpeko and even ...
Go Battle League is the most basic type of Pokemon Go PvP battle. It is available to level 10 (and above) trainers whose account is in good standing. Generally, the Go Battle League comes in three game formats, namely Great League, Ultra League, and Master League. You can participate in...
Yip Kai Cheng, also known asYekai0904, included the Dragon- and Flying-type Altaria in his World Championship lineup of six Pokémon. In the GO Battle League, Altaria is beloved for its incredible bulk, being capable of taking a great deal of damage and performing well in neutral mat...
Looking for an edge in Pokemon GO Trainer Battles? Become a master with our open-source Pokemon battle simulator, explore the top Pokemon rankings, and get your team rated for PvP battles.
9. [PVP Stat Rank]: (lc | gl | ul) Search for Little, Great, or Ultra League PVP stat rank 1-100. Example: "lc5" for Little Cup stat rank 5 Pokémon. 10. [size]:(XXS | XS | M | XL | XXL) Search Pokémon by size. Use "xs" for real-time search of XS-sized Pokémon....
The Steam Winter Sale will be over. We’ll see if I purchase anything. I have not pressed the button yet, but I have two items in my cart. Will I commit of let them go? Find out on Thursday I guess. The Fantasy Critic League experiment is set to commence on Saturday. (Read about...